Hasznos kifejezések utazáshoz

A következ? néhány párbeszéden keresztül megtanulhatod, hogy mit kell mondani útlevélkezeléskor, repül?téren, pályaudvaron és a szállodában. A dialógusokhoz mini szószedetet is készítettem!





Customs Officer: Good morning! Can I see your passport?

Mrs von Ventolin: Here you are.

Customs Officer: Are you a tourist or on business?

Mrs von Ventolin: I’m on business. I’m going back next week.

Customs Officer: Mr von Ventolin, do you have anything to declare?

Mrs von Ventolin: No, I don’t have anything to declare.

Customs Officer: All right. Could you open your suitcase, please?

Mrs von Ventolin: Certainly.

Customs Officer: That’s fine. Have a pleasant stay.

Mrs von Ventolin: Thank you.


Can I see your passport/ID/driving licence?

Láthatnám az útlevelét/személyi igazolványát/jogosítványát?


Can I see your …?

Láthatnám a …-t?


Here you are.

Tessék, itt van.


Are you a tourist or on business?

Turista vagy üzleti úton van?


I’m on business.

Üzleti úton vagyok.


Do you have anything to declare?

Van valami elvámolnivalója?


I don’t have anything to declare.

Nincs semmi elvámolnivalóm.


I have something to declare.

Van elvámolnivalóm.


Could you open your suitcase?

Ki tudná nyitni a b?röndjét?

Have a pleasant stay!

Kellemes itt-tartózkodást kívánok!


Flight attendant: Good afternoon! Can I have your ticket,


Ms Mendez: Here you are.

Flight attendant: Would you like a window or an aisle seat?

Ms Mendez: A window seat, if possible.

Flight attendant: Do you have any luggage?

Ms Mendez: Yes, a suitcase and this handbag.

Flight attendant: Here is your boarding card. Have a nice

Ms Mendez:
Thank you.



Can I have your ticket, please?

Láthatnám a jegyét?

Would you like a window or an aisle seat?

Ablak melletti, vagy sorszéli jegyet szeretne?

Do you have any luggage/baggage (US)?

Van csomagja?

Here’s your boarding card/boarding pass.

Itt a beszállókártyája.

Have a nice flight!

Kellemes repülést kívánok!



Mr O’Dell: I’d like a ticket to New York, please.

Attendant: A one-way ticket or a return ticket?

Mr O’Dell: Return.

Attendant: First or second class?

Mr O’Dell: First, please.

Attendant: Here you are.

Mr O’Dell: How much is it?

Attendant: $ 25.

Mr O’Dell: …and could you tell me where does the train

leave form?

Attendant: from platform 9.

Mr O’Dell: … and when exactly?

Attendant: at 12.15 pm.

Mr O’Dell: Excuse me, just one more question. When does

it arrive to New York?

Attendant: at 14.35 pm.


I’d like a ticket to … .

Szeretnék egy jegyet …-ba/ -be.

A one-way ticket or a return ticket?

Egyirányú, vagy retúrjegyet?

First or second class?

Els? vagy másodosztály?

Where does the train leave form?

Honnan indul a vonat?

From platform 9.

A 9-es vágányról.

When exactly?

Pontosan mikor?

Just one more question!

Már csak egy kérdés!

When does it arrive to … ?

Mikor érkezik meg …-ba/ -be?



Guest: Hello. We have a reservation for tonight.

Receptionist: Can I have your name, please?

Guest: Maria and Luigi Rossi.

Receptionist: Right, Maria and Luigi Rossi. I’m sorry, but I can’t

find it. When did you book the room?

Guest: I booked it 2 weeks ago via Internet.

Receptionist: Let me check it again…. Yes, I found it. A double

room for 3 nights.

Guest: Yes, that’s right. The price includes breakfast as

well, doesn’t it?

Receptionist: Of course. The restaurant is open from 7 am to 10 am for breakfast. And here is your key, room 147.

Guest: Is it on the first floor?

Receptionist: Yes. The elevator is over there, next to the entrance.

Guest: Thank you.

Receptionist: I need your documents.

Guest: Are the passports all right?

Receptionist: Certainly.

Guest: … and we’d like a wake-up call tomorrow morning at



We have a reservation for tonight.

Van ma estére egy foglalásunk.

When did you book the room/table/flight?

Mikor foglalta le a szobát/ asztalt/ járatot?

When did you book/reserve …?

Mikor foglalta le a …-t?

single room/double room/twin room

Egyágyas/ franciaágyas/ kétágyas szoba

Let me check it again!

Engedje meg, hogy még egyszer leellen?rizzem!

The price includes breakfast as well, doesn’t it?

Az ár tartalmazza a reggelit is, ugye?

The price includes breakfast/half board/full board/service.

Az ár tartalmazza a reggelit/félpanziós ellátást/ teljes ellátást/ kiszolgálást.

Does the price include breakfast/service?

Tartalmazza az ár a reggelit/ kiszolgálást?

Does the price include … ?

Tartalmazza az ár a …-t?

The restaurant is open from 7 am to 10 am for breakfast.

Az étteremben reggel 7-t?l 10-ig lehet reggelizni.

The … is open from … to … .

…-tól/ -t?l …-ig van nyitva a … .

Is it on the first/second/third floor?

Az els?/ második/ harmadik emeleten van?

The elevator/lift (US) is over there, next to the entrance.

A lift ott van, a bejárat mellett.

I’d like a wake-up call tomorrow at 7.15.

Szeretnék egy ébresztést holnap reggel 7.15-kor.