Király Viktor: Fire


Hallgassuk meg Király Viktor új számát, és tanuljunk meg belőle néhány kifejezést! Ez első videóból megnézheted mit üzen nektek Viktor személyesen:)

Take it back to old school, bring it back to new
Take it back to old school, bring it back to new


Cool record players,
girls they never wearing layers,
something always goin’ on

Make love in a Chevy,
this night is feeling plenty heavy,
dancing while I’m singing this song

See I got something in my mind that
I really wanna do
I think I’ll take my space machine
And travel back in time with you
Make you love me old school
sex you up to new
Oh, baby, baby, I got something for you

Set it on fire, fire, fire
Let’s burn this club down
(Take it back to old school, bring it back to new)
Set it on fire, fire, fire
Let’s burn this motherf***er down
(Take it back to old school, bring it back to new)
We’re dancing all night

Take it back to old school, bring it back to new
Take it back to old school, bring it back to new

Uhhh, baby, baby,
please don’t never leave me leave me,
Something’s bound to set you off

I got my vintage mic,
I’ll sing you something nice,
I hope it’s gonna set you off

See I got something in my mind that
I really wanna do
I think I’ll take my space machine
And travel back in time with you
Make you love me old school
sex you up to new
Oh, baby, baby, I got something for you

Ref 2x

Shake it back to old school, bring it up to new
I feel this beat makes me so goofy,
it’s something cool

Let me take your hand we’ll party
Moving now your body,
you dance so nasty girl

So all the women in the club
raise your hands to the roof
I said touch it touch it till we bring it all down

Now all the guys in the club
scream as loud as you do
I said bring it bring it till we burn the roof down

layer – réteg
to make love – szeretkezni
plenty heavy – eléggé kemény
(have got) something in one’s mind – valamit forgatni a fejében
to travel back in time – visszautazni az időben
to set something on fire – lángra lobbantani valamit
to burn something down – porrá égetni valamit (itt: "zúzni", "szétszedni a házat"
to be bound to – elkerülhetetlen (hogy bekövetkezzen valami)
to set someone off – beindítani valakit
to shake – rázni
beat – ütem, ritmus
goofy – bolond(os), eszét vesztett
nasty – veszélyes, rossz(kislányos)
to raise – (fel)emelni
to the roof – a plafonig/menyezetig
to scream – kiáltani, üvölteni, ordítani

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