TV AJÁNLÓ: Gunther’s Millions

Ebben a hónapban is ajánlok a figyelmetekbe egy Netflix sorozatot, ezúttal egy nagyon gazdag kutyáról szól ez az érdekes dokusorozat.

Multi-millionaire Gunther VI lives in the lap of luxury: He travels on private planes, eats gold-flaked steaks for dinner, and surrounds himself with a glamorous entourage of spokesmodels and entertainers.

He is also a German shepherd. As the legend goes, Gunther’s great-grandfather was originally owned by a mysterious countess whose son died tragically. Having no heirs, the countess bequeathed her considerable fortune to her beloved dog, and placed him in the care of her son’s close friend, an Italian pharmaceutical heir and aspiring impresario named Maurizio Mian.

Over the past 30 years, Mian has built an empire on behalf of his canine boss, including glamorous real estate purchases, controversial social experiments, and one of the biggest tax fraud schemes of all time. It’s a fairy tale both beautiful and bizarre, and naturally, questions abound.

In this whirlwind of a four-part investigative documentary series, executive producers Aurelien Leturgie and Emilie Dumay crisscross the globe in search of answers, gaining access to never-before-seen archival material and sitting down for intimate and sometimes shocking conversations with Mian and the rest of Gunther’s longtime associates in hopes of understanding the complicated truth behind the world’s wealthiest pet.

NETFLIX Limited Series, releasing in Hungary on February 1st, 2023 at 9:00 AM CET


lap öl
gold-flaked arany pelyhekkel megszórt
to surround körülvenni
glamorous elbűvölő
entourage kíséret
German shepherd német juhászkutya
great-grandfather dédnagyapa
countess grófnő
heir örökös
bequeathed hagyaték
considerable fortune jelentős vagyont
beloved szeretett
pharmaceutical gyógyszeripari
aspiring törekvő
impresario impresszárió
empire birodalom
on behalf of valaki részéről, valaki nevében
canine kutya (mint jelző)
real estate ingatlanok
controversial ellentmondásos
social experiment társadalmi kísérlet
tax fraud adócsalás
abound bőséges
whirlwind forgószél (szerű)
investigative nyomozás
crisscross crisscross
to gain access to hozzáférni valamihez
never-before-seen soha nem látott
associate munkatárs, üzlettárs, partner
in hopes of abban a reményben, hogy