NOTW: St. Patrick’s Day is Coming to Town – Join the Festivities in Budapest

Tudtad, hogy Budapesten is tartanak Szent Patrik ünnepséget a nálunk élő írek? Olvasd el, hol tudsz velük ünnepelni és bulizni!

As St. Patrick’s Day approaches, Budapest eagerly awaits the opportunity to showcase its vibrant Irish spirit. The upcoming celebration on 17 March 2024 promises an immersive experience filled with authentic Irish food, lively music, and traditional drinks, offering a unique chance to embrace the rich cultural heritage of Ireland in the heart of the Hungarian capital.

St. Patrick’s Day, a globally celebrated holiday, is just around the corner, and, according to local traditions, Budapest is gearing up to host another memorable event. Make sure you stop by Szabadság Square between 1 and 5 PM on 17 March as the city will transform into a hub of Irish festivities, offering a delightful experience for locals and visitors alike. Lively music and dance, face paintings for the little ones – the Irish Hungarian Business Circle, together with the Irish Embassy, has another unforgettable St. Patrick’s Day celebration in store.

The Irish Hungarian Business Circle (IHBC) is a not-for-profit, member-based, politically independent organization that was established in 2005 to facilitate and develop business and social networks between Ireland and Hungary and within the Irish-Hungarian community as a whole.

Mark your calendars, gather your friends, and get ready to indulge in a St. Patrick’s Day celebration like no other. Budapest awaits you with open arms and a warm Irish welcome!

source: Daily News Hungary


to approach közeledni
to eagerly await alig várni
to showcase bemutatni
immersive bemerítő
authentic eredeti, valódi, autentikus
to embrace megmerülni, átélni
heritage örökség
is just around the corner itt van a nyakunkon, közeleg
to gear up felkészülni
to host vendégül látni, házigazdája lenni
memorable emlékezetes
to transform into sg átalakulni valamivé
hub központ, csomópont
alike egyaránt
face painting arcfestés
to have sg in store tartogatni valamit
unforgettable felejthetetlen
independent független
to establish alapítani
to facilitate előmozdítani
to gather friends szólni a barátaidnak
to indulge in átadni magát, megmerülni
like no other semmihez sem hasonlítható
to await with open arms tárt karokkal várni