Applying for a job – Jelentkezés egy állásra

Ebb?l a leckéb?l megtanulhatod, hogy mire van szükséged, ha szeretnél egy állásra jelentkezni (életrajz, motivációs levél, stb.), illetve egy csomó hasznos szót és kifejezést is megtanulhatsz.


First of all, do you know what the abbreviation CV means? Well, these two letters stand for Curriculum Vitae, which is a Latin word and has the meaning „a short written document that lists your education and previous jobs, which you send to employers when you are looking for a job”. Americans tend to use the word resume instead of CV.

The CV must be accurate, interesting and up-to-date. Additionally, it must be presentable so that it makes the best impression possible and gets noticed by the right people. It should be relevant and targeted to the needs of each particular position.

Cover(ing) Letter

When sending a CV always enclose a Covering Letter. This is to demonstrate to a potential employer that you completely understand the role of the job you are applying for, and that you have all the relevant experience, skills, knowledge and qualities to be employed for the position you wish to get. This letter can determine whether or not you are called to an interview, therefore, it needs to convince the employer that you are a serious candidate for the job.

Application Forms

Many employers require applications to be made on their own application forms (often available online), or they may ask for a Standard Application Form (SAF) to be completed. The principles for marketing your skills and experiences effectively for CVs and covering letters also apply to application forms. The good news is it can be easier to determine the qualities sought by the employer from their questions. The bad news – it’s not always easy to capture the breadth of your experiences in this set template. A covering letter is not usually required with an application form. However, if the form does not allow you to include information about why you are attracted to this career or organization, or you need to explain any personal circumstances, then a letter may be an advantage.


An applicant was filling out a job application. When he came to the question, "Have you ever been arrested?" He answered, "No."

The next question, intended for people who had answered in the affirmative to the last one, was "Why?" The applicant answered it anyway: "Never got caught."







application form

jelentkezési lap





instead of sth

vmi helyett



tudás, ismeret


personal circumstances

személyes körölmények






alap, elv, alapelv



tulajdonságok, képességek


set template

el?re meghatározott forma, séma



képességek (pl. számítógép ismeret, stb)


to apply for a job

jelentkezni egy állásra


to attract to



to be called to an interview

behívva lenni egy állás interjúra


to complete a form

kitölteni egy ?rlapot


to convince sb

meggy?zni vkit


to demonstrate

demonstrál, bemutat


to enclose

mellékel, csatol


to include

magába foglal


to require sth

igényel vmit


to seek, sought, sought

keres, kutat


to stand for sth

vmi helyett áll, vkiért kiáll


to tend to do sth

hajlamos vmit csinálni


to understand sth completely

megérteni vmit teljes mértékben



Az alábbi szavak mind egy t?b?l erednek, mégpedig a “to employ”, azaz alkalmazni valakit igére vezethet?k vissza. Így, hogy ezt tudod, sokkal könnyebb lesz megjegyezni a többi szót is J NÉzzük csak!

to employ







munkára alkalmazás



to be unemployed

munkanélkülinek lenni