When Jenny Landfair received a phone call to say her best friend had been killed, she thought it was a sick joke. But it really wasn’t, best pal Jana Shearer, 21, had been murdered and butchered by her evil boyfriend – who’d horrifyingly then filleted her body to cook and eat. After cannibal Chris McCuin, 24, made his chilling phone call confession to Jenny, he calmly called the police to say he’d killed and cooked his girlfriend.
In an exclusive interview, Jenny, 23, who’d been with Jana just hours before her murder, says:
“Chris called me and kept repeating the same thing like a zombie. It was horrible. He said: ‘Jana’s dead. I’ve killed her. Jana’s dead.’ I thought it was a sick joke and told him to stop fooling around. I still get the creeps thinking about that conversation. I had no idea what he’d done to Jana – to think he was eating her is sick beyond words.”
When police burst into McCuin’s house they found a grisly murder scene. Jana’s severed ear was being boiled in a saucepan on the stove and a chunk of her flesh was found on a dinner plate with a fork dug into it. McCuin had scattered some of Jana’s other body parts around the room before phoning the police and admitting he’d killed her.
At least once a week, Jana and Jenny met up for drinks and a gossip. The night of Jana’s murder, on 4 January this year, the friends had planned a girls’ night in. “We were supposed to be having a girlie evening, but Chris turned up. I heard them arguing, but I don’t know what was said,” says Jenny. “That was the last time I saw her.” Jenny later discovered that Jana had told another friend she was planning to end her relationship with McCuin that evening because she’d discovered he had a criminal past.
The morning after that fateful night, Jana’s mum Stephanie called Jenny in a panic after realising Jana had not come home. Jenny went next door to her house. She says: “While I was there, the phone rang. It was Chris. He kept on saying he’d killed Jana. I told him to stop being stupid, but he kept on repeating it. It wasn’t the sort of thing you expect to hear.” But when Jenny and Stephanie noticed Jana’s make-up bag and phone in the house, they started to wonder if McCuin was telling the truth.
Police believe McCuin tortured Jana before finally killing her in his mum’s garage in Tyler, Texas. An autopsy found she had died from a massive blow to the head with a blunt instrument.
McCuin called the police and, in a “matter-of-fact” way, said he’d killed his girlfriend and was boiling parts of her. Since being charged with first-degree murder, McCuin has claimed he heard voices from God telling him to carry out the brutal slaying. He faces the death penalty if convicted of murder, but that’s little consolation to Jenny. “Nothing will ever bring Jana back,” she says. “She was just starting out on her life. I hope McCuin rots in hell.”
Closer Online
What do you think of this story? Please leave a comment below…
sick joke – beteg vicc
to fool around – bolondozik
to get the creeps – libab?rös lesz
grisly – szörny?, rettenetes
saucepan – nyeles serpeny?
stove – kemence
chunk – nagy, vastag darab
girlie evening – csajos este
to turn up – váratlanul megjelenik
fateful – baljós, vészjósló
autopsy – boncolás
massive blow – súlyos ütés
blunt – tompa
matter-of-fact – gyakorlatias, tárgyilagos
slaying – agyonütés, meggyilkolás
consolation – vigasz
to rot in hell – a pokolban rohad
Reasons for cannibalism
– As sanctioned by a cultural norm
– By necessity in extreme situations of famine
– Caused by insanity or social deviancy