Hasznos párbeszéd (letölthető) hanganyaggal, amely jól jöhet, ha szeretnél megismerkedni valakivel egy pubban vagy szórakozóhelyen.
Woman: Hi, this is a really nice pub. Do you happen to know how old it is?
Man: Hi, as far as I know it dates back to Tudor times.
Woman: Wow, I love old pubs. I’ve moved here recently and I’m having a look around.
Man: This is a nice pub, not too crowded.
Woman: Any young people among the regulars?
Man: Mostly in the evenings. They come in after work, just like you and me.
Woman: That sounds good. I’m Gina, by the way.
Man: Bob. Nice to meet you.
Woman: Nice to meet you, Bob. Can I get you a drink?
Man: I’ll have some cider, thanks. Where do you come from? Newcastle area?
Woman: Well spotted. I guess there’s no denying a Newcastle accent. And you, let me see… You sound Welsh but I might be wrong.
Man: I was born in the North but I spent most of my life in Swansea. I moved here three years ago.
Woman: Let me get the drinks. What beer would you recommend? I’m not familiar with these.
Man: If you like lager, try the house lager. My favourite.
Woman: Ok, I’ll give it a try. And a cider for you.
Man: That’s right. Thanks.
Do you happen to know … ? – Nem tudod véletlenül, hogy …
As far as I know … . – Amennyire én tudom … .
I’m having a look around. – Körülnézek (egy kicsit).
Any young people…? Are there any young people…? – Vannak fiatalok…?
That sounds good. – Ez jól hangzik.
Nice to meet you. – Örülök, hogy megismertelek.
Can I get you a drink? – Meghívhatlak egy italra?
I’ll have some … . – Egy …-t kérek.
Where do you come from?– Hová valósi vagy?
There’s no denying – Le sem lehet tagadni.
I might be wrong. – Lehet, hogy tévedek.
What … would you recommend? – Milyen …-t ajánlanál?
I’m not familiar with these. – Nem ismerem ezeket.
I’ll give it a try. – Ezt kipróbálom.
to date back – visszanyúlik időben
recently – az utóbbi időben
crowded – zsúfolt
regular – törzsvendég
mostly – többnyire
just like– pont úgy, mint…
by the way – egyébként
cider – almabor, cider
Well spotted! – Eltaláltad!
to deny – letagadni
to recommend – ajánlani