Meghalt Grosics Gyula


2014.06.13-án elhunyt Grosics Gyula. Az Aranycsapat legendás kapusára emlékezünk.

In memoriam Gyula Grosics (1926-2014)

The legendary goalkeeper of the Hungarian Golden Team of the 1950s passed away peacefully today, aged 88. He was famous for developing the “sweeper-keeper” style of play.

Grosics played 86 times for the national team and participated at three consecutive World Cups in 1954, 1958 and 1962. He was member of the gold-winning Olympic team at the 1952 Helsinki Olympics. He earned his nickname ‘Black Panther’ due to the black jersey he was the first to sport on the pitch. His record is amazing: during his time with the national team, they got only 96 goals and scored 258.

His career started at the age of 15, as goalkeeper for the Dorog football club in 1943, and in 1950 he joined the most prestigious club of the time, the Budapest Honvéd. After coming home with a silver medal from the 1954 World Cup, he was accused of treason, finally escaping imprisonment but sent into exile to play for the Tatabánya football club. It was from there that he retired in 1963, giving up football because the Communist regime forbade him to join his favourite club, Ferencváros. He worked as a coach until he retired.

His dream came true though, when Ferencváros signed him on as a tribute on his 82nd birthday. He performed the kickoff in a friendly match against Sheffield United and stood in goal for a few minutes before being substituted.

May he rest in peace.

goalkeeper – kapus
to pass away – elhunyni
sweeper-keeper – söprögető-kapus
national team – válogatott
consecutive – egymásutáni, egymást követő
jersey – mez
pitch – focipálya
to score – gólt rúgni
to be accused of treason – árulással vádolják
imprisonment – bebörtönzés
exile – száműzetés
to retire – visszavonulni, nyugdíjba menni
to forbid someone to – megtiltani valakinek valamit
coach – edző
to sign someone on – leigazolni valakit
tribute – elismerés, tisztelet
kickoff – kezdőrúgás
to be substituted – lecserélik

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