The Addams Family – videó, szókincs, hallás utáni szövegértéses feladat

A következő filmrészlet a ’The Addams Family’/A galád család című filmből való. Wednesday iskolai teljesítményét vitatják meg, önmagukat nem meghazudtoló módon. Jó szórakozást!

Inspired more by the 1960s TV series than by the original Charles Addams New Yorker cartoons, The Addams Family proved to be one of the more successful of the TV shows-turned-movies of the 1990s. The film opens on a recreation of the magazine cartoon wherein the ghoulish Addamses prepare to pour hot oil upon a group of merry Christmas carolers. After a series of vignettes which establish the characters of Gomez (Raul Julia), Morticia (Anjelica Huston), Wednesday (Christina Ricci), Pugsley (Jimmy Workman) and family servants Lurch (Carel Struycken) and Thing (Christopher Hart), the plot proper gets under way. A stranger, played by Christopher Lloyd, shows up on the Addams doorstep, claiming to be long-lost Uncle Fester. It appears, however, that Lloyd is a ringer, in cahoots with attorney Tully Alford (Dan Hedaya) to strip the Addamses of their fortune. In their usual against-the-grain fashion, the Addams Family seems to delight in the possibility that they’re being hoodwinked-indeed, not even kidnapping or death threats dampen the Addams clan’s joy of living (or should we say dying?). The Addams Family served as the directorial debut of cinematographer Barry Sonnenfeld.

sources: (text, picture, video): The Addams Family (1/10) Movie CLIP – Wednesday’s Hero (1991) HD, Movieclips, Youtube

A videó megnézése után válaszoljatok a következő kérdésekre angolul.

  1. What do we know about Wednesday’s academic performance?
  2. What is the theme of this month class bulletin board?
  3. What did Wednesday bring in?
  4. What was her great aunt’s occupation?
  5. What happened to her in 1706?
  6. What do people say about her?
  7. What have Wednesday’s parents told her?


1.Wednesday is an excellent student.
2. Our Heroes, the People we love and admire.
3. A picture of her great Aunt Calpurnia.
4. She was a witch.
5. She was burned.
6. She danced naked in the town square and enslaved a minister.
7. College first


TV shows-turned-movies TV sorozatból készült
recreation újra alkotás
wherein amiben
ghoulish hátborzongató/morbid
vignettes rövid komikus jelenetek
plot cselekmény
to claim állítani
to appear megjelenni/feltűnni
ringer csaló
in cahoots with attorney összejátszik egy ügyvéddel
to strip sb of fortune vagyontól megfosztani valakit
against-the-grain fashion szokásokkal szembeni stílusban
to delight gyönyörködni
to hoodwink becsapni/rászedni valakit
to kidnap elrabolni
to dampen tompítani
debut bemutatkozás
cinematographer operatőr
class bulletin board osztály faliújság
occupation foglalkozás
to admire csodálni
to enslave rabul ejteni
minister lelkipásztor/pap

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