Nézzünk meg egy érdekes leckét (videóval, szószedettel és feladattal) a San Francisco-i viktoriánus házakról.
Take a tour of Victorian Houses of San Francisco in San Francisco, United States — part of the World’s Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Nowhere else does the Victorian style dominate the skyline like San Francisco, which hosts the original “Painted Ladies.”
Vibrant, welcoming colors give these 19th century holdovers a whimsical, yet awe-inspiring look.
From 1850-1900, there were over 48,000 Victorians built in the area to accommodate the growing population.
Most San Francisco Victorians were built with redwood, a cheap and abundant local material.
Many of these buildings were lost in San Francisco’s great earthquake and fire in 1906.
However, some western neighborhoods were spared the flames, and the architectural tradition lives on.
Visit Alamo Square to see how these classic, colorful buildings give character to the city.
Victorian |
viktoriánus |
to take a tour |
körbejárni, bejárni |
attraction |
látványosság |
series |
sorozat |
to dominate |
uralni |
skyline |
távlati város látkép |
to host |
otthont adni valaminek |
original |
eredeti |
"Painted Ladies." |
„Festett hölgyek” |
vibrant |
élénk |
welcoming |
hívogató, kellemes |
holdover |
maradvány (a múltból) |
whimsical |
szeszélyes |
awe-inspiring |
lenyűgöző, bámulatot keltő |
to accommodate |
elhelyezni, elszállásolni |
look |
kinézet |
growing |
növekvő |
population |
népesség |
redwood |
vörösfenyő |
abundant |
bőséges |
material |
anyag |
earthquake |
földrengés |
fire |
tűz |
neighborhood |
környék, rész |
to be spared |
megmenekülni |
flame |
láng |
architectural tradition |
építészeti hagyomány |
to live on |
továbbélni |
give character |
jelleget adni, jellegzetessé tenni |