Fastest Way To Peel A Boiled Egg

Hogyan szabadíthatsz meg egy tojást a héjától? Íme a leggyorsabb és legegyszerűbb módszer.

Watch how easy and fast is to peel a boiled egg. You will save a lot of time.

Step 1: Peel An Egg

Hello. Today I am going to show you the fastest way to peel a boiled egg. Now, after boiling the egg for 10 minutes, this is what you have to do. You’re going to have to make two holes in both sides of the egg, just like this.

Step 2: Egg Peeling Technique

Basically you have to put the first hole, and the second hole. Now, all you have to do is blow the wall of the holes. Now, you just peeled your egg. Hope you like it, and have a nice day.


to peel – hámoz

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