Hasznos párbeszédek – The chemist’s advice


A kövektező hasznos párbeszéd a segítségedre lehet, ha gyógyszert kell vásárolnod. 

Woman: Hello, how can I help you?
Man: Can you recommend a cold remedy?
Woman: For yourself?
Man: For my grandmother.
Woman: What exactly are her symptoms?
Man: She’s had this cough for over a week.
Woman: Has she been to see a doctor?
Man: I don’t think so. She’s just phoned me to pick something up for her on the way home.
Woman: Does she have a pre-existing condition, like diabetes or high blood pressure?
Man: She’s as fit as a fiddle for her age. I don’t even remember the last time she was ill.
Woman: That’s lucky. But it would be a good idea to see a doctor 
if the cough persists. Especially because she’s normally in good health.
Man: I’ll let her know. So what shall I get her?
Woman: As a first step I suggest herbal tea as a cough remedy. If she gets a sore throat or has a temperature, she can take Panadol.
Man: Thanks.
Woman: Tell her to take it easy and drink plenty of fluids. And if the cough doesn’t go away in a week she must see a doctor.
Man: OK. I’ll keep an eye on her. I’d better buy her a thermometer, too. I think I broke the one she had when I was a kid.


How can I help you? Miben segíthetek?
Can you recommend a cold remedy? – Tudna ajánlani valami gyógyszert megfázásra?
What exactly are her symptoms? – Mik
pontosan a tünetei?
Has she been to see a doctor? – Volt már orvosnál?
I don’t think so.
Nem hiszem.
She’s just phoned me to pick something up for her. – Csak felhívott,
hogy vigyek neki valamit.
Does she have a pre-existing condition? – Van
valami már meglévő betegsége?
She is as fit as a fiddle. – Egészséges, mint a
I’ll let her know. – Meg
fogom neki mondani.
What shall I get her?
Mit vigyek neki?
Tell her to take it easy and drink plenty of fluids.
Mondja meg neki, hogy pihenjen és igyon sok folyadékot.
I’ll keep an eye on her.
Szemmel fogom tartani.
I’d better buy her a thermometer. – Jobb ha veszek neki egy lázmérőt.


to recommend – ajánlani
remedy – gyógyszer, gyógyír
symptom – tünet
to see a doctor
orvoshoz menni
cough – köhögés
to pick up
itt: venni/beszerezni valamit a patikában
on the way home – hazafelé
condition – állapot,
itt: betegség
diabetes – cukorbetegség
high-blood pressure
magas vérnyomás
to persist – fennállni, folytatódni
especially – különösen
to suggest
herbal tea – gyógytea
had better do something
jobban teszi, ha csinál valamit
thermometer – lázmérő

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