Your English… – szókincs, videó, hallás utáni szövegértéses feladat

Amikor Sofia Vergara végre megtapasztalja, miért is mókás az ő angol kiejtése. Ebben Reese Witherspoon sietett segítségére az ő spanyol kiejtésével. Mindkettőjük kiejtését fülelhetitek a ’Csábítunk és Védünk’/ ’Hot Pursuit’ című közös filmükben, ha eredetiben nézitek meg angol felirattal.

A rövid videó háromszori meghallgatása után válaszolj a következő kérdésekre.
source: Sofia Vergara Reese Witherspoon Languages Ellen, Celebrity Bizz, Youtube

  1. What is Ellen’s opinion about Sofia’s English?
  2. Why did Sofia think that Ellen complimented Reese on her English?
  3. What language did Reese learn at high school and for how long?
  4. Which was Sofia’s favourite part of their movie?
  5. What was Sofia’s reaction to Reese’s pronunciation and why did she do that?
  6. What did Sofia ask Reese when they saw the movie together?
  7. What does Sofia finally understand?


1.It has gotten much better as she can understand her.
2. Because Reese is from the South and her English was very weird sometimes.
3. She learnt Spanish for two years.
4. When Reese had to speak in Spanish.
5. She turned to Reese and started to laugh so hard. As her Spanish was horrible, it was not good.
6. To speak Spanish/To do that thing because Spanish people will think that’s so funny.
7. Why she is /sounds so funny to Americans.


to get better (get-got-gotten) (US) javul/jobbá válik
weird furcsa
clear érthető
scene jelenet
to turn to valakihez fordulni
terrible szörnyű
to compliment sy on sg dicsérni valakit valamiért
pronunciation kiejtés

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