5 A DAY – miből is kell 5 naponta?


Szókincsfejlesztés zöldség-gyümölcs témában egy kis feladattal. 

Five portions of fruit and vegetables a day

Fill in the gaps with the words in the table below. 

a) count

d) recommends

g) ingredients

j) enough

b) much

e) half

h) fruit

k) temperature

c) dried

f) such as

i) many

l) of

answers: 1-h 2-d 3-f 4-j 5-a 6-k 7-c 8-g 9-l 10-e 11-i 12-b

If you hear “one of your 5 a day” in the UK, the topic is 1 ……………….. or veg. Even food labels include portion sizes as part of a programme based on advice from the World Health Organization, which 2 ……………….. eating a minimum of 400g of fruit and vegetables a day to lower the risk of serious health problems, 3 ……………….. heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity.

Most people believe that they eat 4 ……………….. fruit and vegetables, but studies show that we usually don’t. Many people have no more than one or two portions a day. Potatoes don’t 5 ……………….. because they mainly contribute starch to the diet. Modern freezing methods preserve the healthy nutrients, so frozen fruit and veg can be better than fresh produce that has been left out at room 6 ……………….. for a long time. Tinned vegetables and fruit, plus 7 ……………….. fruit such as raisins, also count towards your five a day.

Fruit and vegetables do not all contain the same amount of healthy 8 ………………... Listed below is an approximate calculation of the amount needed to count as one portion.

1 tomato, pepper or a large onion

a quarter of a cauliflower or cucumber

1 bowl of lettuce

3 heaped tablespoons 9 ……………….. any vegetable, for example, peas, carrots, sweetcorn

10 ……………….. an avocado

1 apple, pear, banana, orange, nectarine or peach

1 slice of melon

half a grapefruit

2 plums

1 glass (150ml) of pure fruit juice (no matter how 11 ……………….. glasses you drink a day, it only counts as one portion)

3 heaped tablespoons of beans (again, no matter how 12 ……………….. you eat, it will only count as one portion)

source: Netdoctor, NHS


portion size – adag mérete

to lower – csökkenteni

diabetes – cukorbetegség

obesity – elhízás

to believe – hinni

starch – keményítő

diet – étrend

to preserve – megőrizni

nutrients – tápanyagok

tinned – konzerv

raisin – mazsola

amount – mennyiség

to count – számítani

heaped tablespoon – púpozott evőkanál

no matter – nem számít, hogy


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