Hasznos párbeszédek: A fancy dress party


A következő párbeszéd hasznos lehet, ha jelmezbálba készülsz. 

Man: Carla, have you heard? Tom’s retiring next month.
Woman: Yes. There was some talk of a farewell party.
Man: Jack and I are organizing it.
Woman: And what are you planning?
Man: Tom’s been here since the company was founded so we could go back in time.
Woman: Evergreens? Tom Jones and The Beatles?
Man: Exactly. But we need more than music.
Woman: I don’t think many people will volunteer to do a 60s dress-up.
Man: Come on, we can get more creative than that. I thought we could dress up as famous people and have a prize for the best costumes.
Woman: That sounds better. Who will you be? Kennedy?
Man: Not quite. But I need your help. Do you think I could borrow the top hat and sparkly top you wore at New Year’s Eve?
Woman: If they fit, they’re yours.
Man: Great. And just one more little favour. Could you please do my makeup?
Woman: I really can’t imagine what you’re up to.
Man: I’ve bought this blonde wig, I’ll get a pair of fishnet stockings and I’ll be Marilyn Monroe, jumping out of a big cardboard cake.
Woman: Are you serious???


Have you heard? – Hallottad?
There was some talk of a … . – Volt valami szóbeszéd egy …-ról/-ről.
What are you planning?
Mit terveztek?
We could go back in time. – Visszamehetnénk az időben.
We need more than music. – Zenénél többre van szükségünk.
I don’t think many people will volunteer. – Nem hiszem, hogy sokan jelentkeznének önként.
We can get more creative than that. – Ennél
tudunk kreatívabbak is lenni.
That sounds better. – Ez
jobban hangzik.
I need your help.  – Szükségem van a segítségedre.
Just one more favour. – Csak még egy szívesség(et szeretnék).
I really can’t imagine what you’re up to. – El
sem tudom képzelni, hogy mire készülsz.
Are you serious?
Ezt most komolyan mondod?


to retire – nyugdíjba menni
farewell – búcsú
to be founded – megalapítva
evergreen – örökzöld
to volunteer – önkéntesként részt
venni valamiben
prize – díj
to borrow – kölcsönkérni
top hat
sparkly – csillogós
to fit – méretben jó
fishnet stockings neccharisnya
cardboard karton

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