Egy "édes" feladat a csokiról videóval.
Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I’d like to share with you five unusual facts about chocolate.
Chocolate is the most popular candy dessert in the world and makes up a multi-billion dollar industry.
The origin of the word “chocolate” comes out of the Aztec and means “bitter water”.
Chocolate has a reputation for melting in your mouth because cacao butter melts at a temperature just below the human body temperature.
Although the discovery of chocolate was made in South America, most cocoa these days comes from West Africa.
Chocolate has also played a role in military history: Napoleon carried some with him on campaign, as did the American soldiers in World War Two.
source: Geobeats
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házigazda |
to share |
megosztani |
unusual |
szokatlan |
industry |
iparág |
origin |
eredet |
to come out of |
származni valamiből |
Aztec |
azték |
reputation |
jóhírnév |
to melt |
elolvadni |
cacao butter |
kakaóvaj |
discovery |
felfedezés |
campaign |
hadjárat |
World War Two |
második világháború |