Boldog születésnapot, Harry herceg! – szókincs, videó

Tegnap ünnepelte 37. születésnapját Harry herceg, és a királyi család is köszöntötte. Erről szól a következő rövid cikk és videó.

Prince William, Queen Elizabeth, and Other Royals Wished Prince Harry a Happy Birthday

The Duke of Sussex turned 37 yesterday.

It was Prince Harry 37th birthday yesterday! In typical fashion, members of Harry’s family posted happy birthday messages—and some very sweet photos—on their social media accounts in honour of the prince.

Queen Elizabeth used her official @RoyalFamily Twitter account to say, “Wishing The Duke of Sussex a happy birthday today!” A red balloon emoji added a touch of festivity. Attached were four photos of Harry, including one featuring Meghan Markle.

Prince William and Kate Middleton took to their Twitter, @KensingtonRoyal, with a simple, “Happy Birthday Prince Harry!” They, too, used the royal-approved red balloon emoji.

Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, tweeted, “Wishing The Duke of Sussex a very Happy Birthday today!” on their @ClarenceHouse account. They opted to set themselves apart with a birthday cake emoji. The tweet also shared a precious throwback photo of a young Prince Harry with his father.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle ceased using personal or royal-affiliated social media accounts earlier this year, so the Duke of Sussex has not made any public response to the well wishes.

However, that didn’t stop fans from flooding the replies with their own birthday wishes for Prince Harry. One Twitter user cleverly used a Harry Potter gif for the occasion.

The royal family previously voiced happy birthday messages to Markle when she turned 4o on August 3.

The Sussexes both made headlines earlier yesterday when they were named to Time‘s list of the 100 most influential people.

source (article; video and picture): Town&Country; Prince Harry Gets Birthday Wishes From Queen, Prince William & More, Access, Youtube


in honour of (valaki) tiszteletére
a touch of egy kis
festivity vidámság/ünneplés
to attach csatolni/mellékelni
royal-approved királyi ház jóváhagyásával használható
to opt választani
to set apart elkülöníteni
precious throwback photo értékes olyan régebben készült fotó,
amit még nem láthatott a nagyközönség
to cease megszűntetni/leállítani
royal-affiliated királyi családdal kapcsolatban lévő/
királyi családhoz kötődő/királyi
családhoz tartozó
to make response to válaszolni valamire
to flood elárasztani
previously korábban
to voice kifejezni
to make headlines a hírek főcímeibe kerülve
híressé válni
influential befolyásos

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