Egy macska, aki már több éve egy Tesco-ban él


A Tesco-s macska története egy kis feladattal és szószedettel :) 

Cat that lives in Tesco store evicted after online backlash.


A cat that became famous for being allowed to live in a Devon Tesco store is now facing eviction after the world’s eyes fell on his story – and found cause to complain.

Mango the cat was often seen sleeping on a pile of stock in the middle of the foyer of Tesco’s Blundell Road store in Tiverton and a ‘house’ was made for him from a container.

But after complaints about health and safety were raised when thousands read about him on national websites he is now no longer allowed to enter the store.

An employee who did not want to be named said it was a shame that this has happened to the cat, who has been a regular for years.

“It would have been better if we kept this in Tiverton,” she said, “then this might not have happened.”

The supermarket giant is understood to have sent out a human resources manager earlier today to make the decision.

Online readers called for Mango to be removed from the store.

A man from London said: “This is very unhygienic, and I don’t like the thought of this animal doing what comes naturally near food. It should be removed from the shop immediately.”

While a reader from Kirkcaldy asked: “Why is a mangy cat allowed to stroll around food and everything in a supermarket, when dogs etc are banned?”

But for Mid Devon locals who are used to seeing his friendly face, they disagree.

One customer said: “We are devastated, we adore him.”

Jenny Keen, who was shopping at Tesco at the time, said she saw staff move Mango’s house out into the rain.

She said: “I asked to speak to the manager, who wasn’t there, then I spoke to someone from HR and they said that staff had been instructed that they are not allowed to discuss Mango.”

However, a spokesperson for Tesco denied that he had to be evicted but confirmed he would now have to remain in the foyer due to health and safety reasons. He could often be seen sleeping in the middle of the foyer, on a pile of stock but now his container has been moved close to the exit of the foyer.

She said: “Mango is very welcome and much loved by our customers in Tiverton. He is often seen in our foyer and we have invested in a kennel for him to make him feel more comfortable.



to evict, eviction

kilakoltatni, kilakoltatás

a pile of stock

egy halom áru




reakció, visszahatás



a regular

rendszeres látogató



is understood to

úgy tudják róla

human resources, HR

személyzeti osztály


koszos, rühes

to stroll

sétálni, sétálgatni



to invest


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