Get lost among the enchanted stone walls – Várak Magyarországon

A következő leckében egy rövid összeállítást olvashatsz a legszebb magyar várakról. Te melyikben jártál már? 

Hungary is filled with beautiful sights and interesting tourist attractions. There are hundreds of castles in the country in all different styles, attracting thousands of tourists every year. From enthusiasts of the Middle Ages to those interested in Hungarian history, and even to those attracted only by the beautiful view, visiting castles is a unique adventure every time of the year. Visiting a castle in Hungary is like stepping inside a time capsule – taking a break from the busy city and travelling back hundreds of years, to see how our ancestors lived. 

Füzér Castle

Füzér Castle is one of the oldest forts in Hungary. In 1526, the Hungarian holy crown was kept there. Füzér Castle is also one of Hungary’s seven natural wonders. According to historians, the castle had been here before the invasion of the Tatars. The castle is currently being renovated as a part of a long, step by step process. The first step of the renovation included the reconstruction of the bottom castle, the palace wing in the upper castle and the chapel. As part of the reconstruction, the exhibitions were also expanded with more information and attractions for all castle lovers. In Füzér Castle, visitors are led through a 15-room exhibition, all reconstructed according to the time when the monument was built, evoking castle life. 

Eger Castle

Eger Castle is, without doubt, one of the most significant castles in Hungary. Eger is the model of Hungarian heroism and patriotism. The castle is known for repelling the Turkish attack on Hungary in 1552. The history of the Turkish era was immortalized in one of the best-known novels of Hungarian literature, the Stars of Eger by Géza Gárdonyi. The gates of Eger Castle are open day and night. The Szépbástya, or more commonly known as the Calvary Hill once functioned as a cannon hill. It is currently the highest point of Eger Castle. From the top of it, an unparalleled view of the castle and the Bükk opens in front of the visitors’ eyes. 

Esztergom Castle 

The castle of Esztergom lies on the bank of the Danube river, in the old town of Esztergom in Komárom-Esztergom county. The attraction stands on a fifty-meter elevation, bordered by rifted sidewalls. The castle had an outstanding importance in the medieval history of Hungary. The building complex, including the castle, the castle theatre, and the castle museum was awarded the title of European Heritage Site in 2008. It is also a part of the UNESCO World Heritage tentative list. The castle is one of the main sights in the county, together with the Esztergom Basilica. 

Visegrád Castle

Visegrád castle also called Citadel, is probably one of the most visited sights outside of Budapest. The Citadel is located on top of the Visegrád high hill, in the Danube Bend. This iconic area attracts many tourists, not only from afar but right from the area as well. The Citadel and the Lower Castle altogether is called the Visegrád double castle system. It is one of the castles built by Béla IV, after the Tatar invasion. He built it from the stones of a previously destroyed castle, in fear of another attack. The Citadel was multifunctional, as it didn’t only serve as a house, but it was protecting the valley of the Danube, while also controlling the main commercial route between Esztergom and Buda. The fortress was significant until, and during the Turkish invasion. After the occupation of Buda in the 16th century, the Turkish took the first siege on Visegrád castle in 1544. Over the following century, the building complex became increasingly more damaged, until the 1960s, when its restoration and protection started.    


The unique Bory-castle in Székesfehérvár was built between 1923 and 1959 by Jenő Bory. Bory was a sculptor, architect and university professor. He planned the castle and built it for almost 40 years, in the name of love and art. The building combines several different architectural styles from Gothic to Romanesque. It is said that Bory never planned the whole castle in one but built and extended it in smaller parts year by year. The 30-metre-tall castle has seven towers, thirty rooms, three studios, and several statues, paintings, and art pieces all over the building. The castle’s story started as a summer holiday house with a wine cellar and developed into one of the most spectacular castles in the country. Visitors can freely walk around the castle and in the garden, to admire the garden sculptures all made by Bory. Inside the castle, many paintings by Bory are of his wife, to whom the monument was dedicated

by Kitti Bába

A cikk elolvasása után egészítsd ki az egyes messenger üzeneteket az itt található igékkel megfelelő alakban és döntsd el, hogy az adott messenger üzenetet vajon melyik kastély látogatása után küldhették el.


  1. We came to visit this castle because it 1. ______ the seven wonders of Hungary. You won’t believe but it’s true that the holy crown used to be 2.__________ here! Although this castle is being 3.______ now, it has loads of rooms with exhibitions so it’s worth visiting.

  2. Wow, the location of this castle is marvellous. It is 1.______ on a hill in a famous river band. The castle has a double castle system. What’s more, it used to be multifunctional. It 2._______ the valley and 3.___________ the commercial route between two famous towns.
  3. This is the youngest castle we have ever 1.__________ ! I loved shooting the different architectural styles of this castle. This castle 2.______ as a summer house with wine cellar but it 3.____________ into a lovely castle. I love it because it was 4._____  in the name of love and art.

  4. This place is a must for both of you. I know that your husband adores tasting excellent wines and you’re keen on reading historical novels. This castle is 1.___________ in a famous Hungarian historical novel and one part of this castle area used to 2._________  as a cannon hill. This castle area is 3._______  to be the highest point of this lovely town so you can take lovely pictures of the area.

  5. Finally, this castle 1._____ on the bank of a famous Hungarian river. It used to be significantly important in medieval history of Hungary. It 2.______  on an elevated area bordered with sidewalls. Fortunately, it is not only a castle, but it 3._______  a castle theatre and castle museum. This building complex was awarded the title of European Heritage Site in 2008.

keys/megoldások: 1. Füzér Castle: 1. belongs to, 2. kept, 3. renovated; 2. Visegrád Castle: 1. located, 2. protected, 3. controlled; 3. Bory-Castle: 1. visited, 2. started, 3. developed, 4. built; 4. Eger Castle: 1. immortalized, 2. function, 3. said; 5. Esztergom Castle: 1. lies, 2. stands, 3. houses


Middle Ages középkor
time capsule időkapszula
ancestors elődök
fort erőd
holy crown szent korona
natural wonders természeti csodák
historian történész
chapel kápolna
exhibition kiállítás
to evoke megidézni
heroism hősiesség
patriotism hazaszeretet
to repel taszítani
to be immortalized halhatatlanná tenni
Stars of Eger Egri csillagok
cannon hill ágyúdomb
unparalleled példátlan
county megye
elevation magaslat
rifted szakadékos
tentative javaslati
citadel fellegvár
Danube Bend Dunakanyar
from afar messziről
Tatar invasion tatárjárás
valley völgy
commercial route kereskedelmi útvonal
siege ostrom
restoration felújítás
sculptor szobrász
to extend kiterjeszteni
tower torony
wine cellar borospince
to dedicate valakinek szentelni

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