Journalist in Ukraine effortlessly jumps between six languages in viral clip
A journalist based in Ukraine has shown off his language skills, jumping between six languages in his coverage of the Ukraine-Russia crisis.
Philip Crowther, an international affiliate correspondent for The Associated Press, posted a montage of him speaking about new developments in the region in English, Luxembourgish, Spanish, Portuguese, French and German and it is pretty impressive.
Russia has sent troops into eastern Ukraine, claiming they are engaging in “peacekeeping” but the US said Russia was creating a pretext for war. The British PM attended a Cobra meeting discussing what action the UK will take yesterday and agreed to impose sanctions on Russia, though some say they do not go far enough.
Meanwhile Ukraine’s President Zelensky, in his own response, said Ukraine was not afraid and would not yield to Russian pressure.
As for Crowther – who was born in Luxembourg to a British father and German mother and is based in Washington, according to his website – his video has been viewed over 3 million times at the time of writing and has received 33,000 likes from impressed viewers.
source: indy100
viral | interneten gyorsan népszerűvé váló |
effortlessly | erőfeszítés nélkül/könnyedén |
journalist | újságíró |
to show off | fitogtatni |
coverage | tudósítás/beszámoló |
international affiliate correspondent | nemzetközi szervezet/ társaság tudósítója |
developments | fejlemények |
impressive | lenyűgöző |
troops | katonai csapatok |
peacekeeping | békefenntartás |
pretext for | ürügy/kifogás valamire |
to discuss | megvitatni/megbeszélni |
to impose sanctions on | szankciókat kivetni |
meanwhile | ezalatt/eközben |
response | válasz |
yield to | engedni/behódolni valaminek |
pressure | nyomás |
according to | valaki/valami szerint |
to view | megtekinteni |
to receive | kapni |
impressed | le van nyűgözve |