Minden országnak megvannak a maga hagyományai és szokásai szinte minden problémára és betegségre. Nézzük milyen népi gyógymódokra esküsznek a magyarok, ha a megfázásról van szó!
Hungarians rely on their folk remedies when it comes to fighting a nasty cold or simply strengthening our immune system during the coldest time of the year. Hungarians often associate winter with sickness. There are less Vitamin D and fresh vegetables during winter, and our immune system needs an extra boost to keep the bacteria out.
Here are 4 + 1 folk remedies Hungarians believe in when the temperature drops below 10 degrees Celsius.
Healing foods
The simplest way to strengthen your immune system is proper nutrition. If you are too late and already have a cold or sore throat, do not worry. Hungarians eat a wide variety of foods because they believe in their healing power.
Traditional Hungarian húsleves a.k.a. chicken soup
Húsleves is a cherished, traditional starter for any family celebration, wedding, or a typical Sunday lunch. However, it is also the dish Hungarians go for when they are feeling under the weather. It is basically a hug in a bowl; it is rich, warm, and full of vegetables and vitamins. It is actually similar to chicken noodle soup, which is a well-known remedy in the United States. However, the Hungarian version is different.
First, we do not put wide noodles in it. Some Hungarian families actually prefer the soup without any kind of pasta, but the most commonly used type is called cérnametélt, which is an extremely thin pasta. The stars of the soup are definitely the vegetables and the cooked chicken. This clear golden liquid is cooked very slowly, usually for 3-4 hours, and it is forbidden to stir it. You must add the vegetables and spices very gently to the mix.
Garlic (and other types of onions)
Garlic is one of Hungarians’ all-time favourite ingredients (next to paprika). But we eat it not only because it makes everything spicy and delicious but also because of its many health benefits. Garlic is not only antibacterial, but it also has mucus-relieving effects. It can help cleanse our body. Hungarians believe that garlic is one of the most effective vegetables to eat to fight respiratory illnesses. Put it on your toast in the morning, and you are good to go.
Fun fact: Hungarians often mix garlic and honey, the two wonder cures, and have that on their toast.
Hungarians practically bath in honey when they have a cold. Honey has a disinfecting effect and serves as an inflammation relief. It is highly recommended to eat more honey during the cold seasons when people are more likely to catch a cold. You are advised to have a nice cup of tea with a teaspoon of honey just to stay healthy. Apart from the medical benefits, Hungarian honey has a unique and delicious flavour you cannot find anywhere else in the world. Honey-making actually has an ancient history in Hungary. There are traces that there were beekeepers already in medieval Hungary, who were mostly teachers or monks. Hungarian acacia honey has been officially registered as a Hungaricum since 2014.
Steam inhalation
Stuffy nose? Grandmothers always have their home remedies ready: Go to the bathroom, and inhale saltwater steam with a towel on your head. Breathing in moist, warm steam helps with irritation and swollen blood vessels in the nasal passages. It can also help thin the mucus in your sinuses, which allows them to empty more easily and you can breathe normally again.
+1 Pálinka
You did not think we would leave this off the list, did you? A shot of palinka a day keeps the doctor away. Obviously, do not drink palinka every day, but if you are feeling under the weather or have a nasty cold, it can actually work miracles. The theory that pálinka helps fight off a cold has been debunked by professionals, but we can honestly say that it has helped us several times. Placebo or not, what works, works.
source: Daily News Hungary
to rely on |
valamiben bízni, valamire támaszkodni |
remedy |
gyógyír, gyógymód |
to strengthen |
erősíteni |
to associate with |
valamivel összefüggésbe hozni |
sickness |
betegség |
to boost |
felturbózni |
proper nutrition |
megfelelő táplálozás |
sore throat |
torokfájás |
healing power |
gyógyító erő |
a.k.a (also know as) |
úgy is ismert, mint/valamiként ismert |
cherished |
itt: becsben tartott |
to feel under the weather |
rosszul/betegnek érzi magát |
hug |
ölelés |
bowl |
tál |
rich |
gazdag (ételre is mondják) |
similar to |
hasonló valamihez |
well-known |
jól ismert |
definitely |
határozottan |
to be forbidden |
tilos, meg van tiltva |
to stir |
keverni, megkeverni |
health benefit |
jótékony egészségügyi hatás |
mucus-relieving effect |
duzzadt nyálkahártya feloldó hatás |
to cleanse |
kitisztítani, megtisztítani |
respiratory illness |
légúti betegség |
disinfecting effect |
fertőtleítő hatás |
inflammation relief |
gyulladáscsökkentő hatás |
to be (highly) recommended |
(nagyon) ajánlott |
to catch a cold |
elkapni a megfázást |
to be advised to |
ajánlott, hogy … |
apart from … |
…-tól eltekintve |
medical benefits |
gyógyászati hatás |
flavour |
íz |
ancient |
ősi, ókori |
trace |
nyom |
beekeeper |
méhész |
medieval |
középkori |
monk |
szerzetes |
acacia honey |
akácméz |
to inhale |
belélegezni, inhalálni |
moist |
nedves |
irritation |
irritáció |
swollen |
duzzadt |
blood vessel |
ér, véredény |
nasal passage |
orrjárat |
mucus |
nyálka |
sinus |
arcüreg |
a shot of palinka |
egy kupica pálinka |
to work miracles |
csodákra képes |
to fight off something |
leküzdeni valamit |
to be debunked |
valamiről le van rántva a lepel |