Nagyi első hullámvasutazása … és egy kis vidámparkos szókincs:)


Nézd meg a videót - és persze olvasd el a szöveget is - a nagyiról, aki 78 évesen először ült hullámvasútra! A cikk alatt találsz egy kis vidámparkos szókincset is! 

Grandma’s First Roller Coaster Ride At 78 Years Old Is Pure Magic


The first time on a roller coaster can be a thrill at any age – but it must be especially awesome if you’ve waited nearly eight decades for the experience.

This is Ria Van den Brand, a grandmother from the Netherlands who took her first coaster ride at the ripe young age of 78.

She had also never flown in an airplane before. As part of the "Firsts" marketing campaign from telecom giant Vodafone, she and 71-year-old An Bernaards both took to the air for the first time.

The coaster ride was to help prepare Van den Brand for her maiden flight. Bernaards, who was more nervous about flying, was put into a virtual reality flight simulator.

source: The Huffington Post

roller coaster – hullámvasút
thrill – izgalom
especially – különösen
awesome – döbbenetes, hihetetlen, fantasztikus
decade – évtized
experience – élmény
ripe – érett
telecom giant – telekommunikációs óriáscég
to prepare – felkészülni
maiden flight – első repülés
nervous – ideges
flight simulator – repülés szimulátor

Have you ever been to an amusement park? Where? Which ride did you enjoy the most?

Other words for amusement parks:

AMUSEMENT PARK – vidámpark                     
a large park with many special machines that you can ride on, such as roller coasters and merry-go-rounds      

THEME PARK – olyan vidámpark, ami egy téma köré épült, pl. Disneyland
an amusement park with theme: an amusement park in which all of the entertainment and facilities are designed around a specific subject or idea, e.g. Disney World      

FUNFAIR búcsú, zsibvásár, majális
a noisy outdoor event where you can ride on machines, play games to win prizes etc   

(AMUSEMENT) ARCADE – játékterem
(GB) a place where you play games on machines by putting coins into them/(US) video arcade


dodgem car/bumper car
– dodzsem autó      
chairoplane – láncos körhinta

merry-go-round – körhinta (inkább gyerekeknek)

waltzer – körhinta, ahol a kocsik saját maguk körül is forognak

carousel – körhinta

Ferris wheel/big wheel – óriáskerék

ghost train – szellemvasút       

log flume – vízi hullámvasút

rollercosater – hullámvasút

shooting gallery – céllövölde

swing boat – hajóhinta

haunted castle/haunted mansion – elvarázsolt/szellem kastély

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