Rare color photos of The Beatles to go up for sale

Árverésre kerülnek a Beatles-ról készült ritka színes fotók.

Rare color photos of The Beatles to go up for sale

LONDON (AP) — Unpublished early color photographs of The Beatles’ first U.S. tour will be sold at a U.K. auction. The photos were taken during the rock band’s 1964 visit to the U.S., when color film was expensive and most images of the group were in black and white. The collection of 65 slides contains many stage shots, including George Harrison with his legendary red Rickenbacker guitar and close-up portraits from a Las Vegas Sahara Hotel press conference and Las Vegas Convention Centre gig. The images were taken by Dr. Robert Beck, who died in 2002 and left them in an archive of photographs and slides in his Hollywood home. Omega Auctions said Sunday the images will be sold March 22 — exactly 50 years after The Beatles released their first album.

rare – ritka
unpublished – kiadatlan
image – kép
slide – dia
to contain – tartalmazni
stage shot – színpadi felvétel
including  – beleértve
legendary – legendás
press –  sajtó
close-up – közeli
convention centre – kongresszusi központ
gig – hakni
to release – kiadni

Use the glossary and fill in the gaps –  you don’t need to use all the words.

1) My brother has a band and their first ………. will be this weekend.
2) We would like to ………. our new record before Christmas.
3) My whole family, ………. my dog, love to eat fried chicken the most.
4) ………. photos show too much detail.
5) The ………. still hasn’t released any information about the terrorist attack.

Answers: 1)gig, 2)release, 3)including, 4)close-up, 5)press

Use the glossary and match the synonyms with the words – you don’t need to use all the words.

1) let out
2) very famous
3) picture
4) show
5) media

Answers: 1)release, 2)legendary, 3)image, 4)gig, 5)press