Remélem kellemesen telt a hétvégéd! Én – miután hazajöttünkaz 15 fokos és esős tengerpartól – itthon beleléptem egy darázsba, Artúr pedig belázasodott … pedig végre jön a jó idő is, de úgy tűnik nem fog szegénynek összejönni a nyaralás : (
Ezen a héten egy különleges témával, egy földrésszel fogunk foglalkozni, ez pedig nem más, mint Afrika! Te jártál már arra?
Ha érdekel ez a kontinens, akkor szeptember 2-4 között gyere ki a Millenárisra, ahol a Nyelparádé alatt Afrika Napokat is tartanak majd, erről bővebben itt olvashatsz:
Nyelvoktató bulvármagazinunk augusztusi számában a kidolgozott szóbeli tételek, írásbelire felkészítő feladatsorok, gyerek és üzleti angol mellett rengeteg érdekes cikket olvashatsz szinte minden témában a receptektől a legújabb kocsikig. A képes tartalomba itt tudsz belenézni:
Ha tudásszintedre vagy kíváncsi, csináld meg Nagy Szintfelmérő Tesztünket itt:
Jó tanulást!
Africais the second largest continent in the world. It makes up about a fifth of the world’s land. It is surrounded by large areas of water. There are 61 countries in Africa and about a billion (14,7%) of the world’s population live there. It is thought to be the continent where the first humans evolved.
These are the countries of Africa:
In the late nineteenth century, the European powers occupied much of the continent, creating many colonial and dependent territories. They left only two fully independent states: Ethiopia (known to Europeans as “Abyssinia”) and Liberia. Egypt and Sudan were never formally incorporated into any European colonial empire. However, after the British occupation of 1882, Egypt was effectively under British administration until 1922.
Areas of Africa under the control orinfluence of European nations in 1914 (at outbreak of World War I):
From north to south, Africa has most types of climate. In sequence from the north:
- Alpine and Mediterranean climate
- Dry sandy desert
- Fairly dry savannah
- Rain forest
- More grassland
- More deserts
- Table Mountain
Running north-east to the south is the East African Great Rift Valley. This has mountains, volcanoes, deep rifts and valleys, rivers and lakes. In fact Africa has examples of most of the Earth’s climate types.
Much of North Africa is dry and hot: it is dominated by the Sahara Desert and does not receive much rain. In Saharan Africa there are few rivers or other water sources. Underground water sources, such as springs are very important in the desert. These often form oases. An oasis is an area of vegetation surrounded by desert.
Conditions and winds are different further south, where huge amounts of rain falls near the Equator. The Equator runs across the middle of Africa. That means much of Africa is between the two tropics: the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
Slaverywas long practiced in Africa. Between the seventh and twentieth centuries, the Arab slave trade took 18 million slaves from Africa via trans-Saharan and Indian Ocean routes. Between the fifteenth and the nineteenth centuries (500 years), the Atlantic slave trade took an estimated 7–12 million slaves to the New World. Between 1808 and 1860, the British Navy captured approximately 1,600 slave ships and freed 150,000 Africans who were aboard.
continent – kontinens
to make up – alkot
to be surrounded by – körülvéve lenni
billion – milliárd
population – népesség
human – emberi lény
to evolve – kialakul
to occupy – elfoglal
colonial – gyarmati, gyarmatos
dependent – függő, alattvaló
territory – terület
independent – független
to be incorporated into – magába foglal, egyesít
empire – birodalom
effectively – hatékonyan
influence – hatás
outbreak – kitörés
desert – sivatag
rain forest – esőerdő
rift – hasadás, repedés
valley – völgy
to be dominated by – valami által uralt
vegetation – vegetáció, növényzet
the Equator – az Egyenlítő
tropic of cancer – ráktérítő
tropic of capricorn – baktérítő
slavery – rabszolgaság
slave trade – rabszolga kereskedelem
estimated – becsült
to capture – elfog, elkap
approximately – nagyjából, megközelítőleg
to be aboard – fedélzeten