Ma befejezzük a tömegközlekedéssel kapcsolatos leckéinket, és a londoni metróval fogunk foglalkozni ebben a leckében. Megtudhatsz minden infót erről, sőt még egy zenés, érdekes tényeket tartalmazó videót is készítettem neked a témához.
Ne feledd, hogy holnaptól kapható az 5 Perc Angol Magazin októberi száma, itt nézhetsz bele a tartalomba:
Jó tanulást és kellemes hétvégét!
a videót itt tudod megnézni:
If you want to get around London quickly, you should take the Tube, which is London’s version of the subway. The Tube is a vast network of tunnels and trains that get you anywhere in London.
The London Underground (The Tube) is the oldest metro system in the world. Trains generally depart every 3 or 4 minutes, less frequently at weekends and late at night.
At the moment there are 275 stations on 12 lines, and 253 miles of route. London’s Underground system is divided up into several zones. Most tourist places are in Zones 1 and 2.
If you want to travel by the Tube, you must have an appropriate ticket for every journey or a Travelcard. Tickets can be bought from automatic ticket machines or from ticket sales offices. You need to use your ticket first when you go through the automatic barrier gates, for the second time when you want to leave though similar gates at the end of the journey. Single tickets allow you to travel from one place to other, only once.
TravelCards are more convenient – they allow you to travel by the underground, buses, and by the local train services in the area of London. They may be valid for different periods of time, for example: a day, a week, a month, or even a year. You can get them at underground or national railway stations from a ticket office. In addition you can buy one-day TravelCards from ticket machines at the stations.
tunnel – alagút
to depart – indul
frequently – gyakran
to be divided into – …-ra/re osztva lenni
appropriate – megfelelő
barrier – gát
allow you to – lehetővé teszi neked, hogy …
convenient – kényelmes
valid for – érvényes