Elérkeztünk a hét végéhez! Ma egy mindenki által ismert – és szeretett – űrlénnyel, E.T.-vel fogunk foglalkozni, és megnézünk szöveggel és szószedettel egy jelentet a filmből.
Tudod, hogy miért E.T. a neve egyébként? (Nem a monogramja, szóval nem Edward Taylor például: )
Az E.T. az extra terrestrial, azaz a földönkívüli szó rövidítése!
Végül, de nem utolsósorban Felméri Péter hétvégére is küldött egy videót nektek:
videó indítása itt:
Jó tanulást és kellemes hétvégét kívánok!
E.T. the extraterrestrial (1982)
Final scene of the movie – script
Suddenly, E.T. saves the day with his telekinetic powers. He lifts all of the bikers up into the air as they fly above the blockade.
[The climax is over E.T. has saved himself and his friends]
E.T. then flies the bikers over the housetops, and across the setting sun. Finally they float down onto a path in the forest.
Elliott has reached the landing site. He brushes the leaves away from the turntable of the communication device. A blue-light floods Elliott’s face. He looks up into the, along with the other bikers. E.T., with red-heart happily flashing, also gazes into the sky as his spaceship descends.
"Home," says E.T.
The spaceship continues its descent as E.T.’s red-heart flutters. The spaceship finally lands in a golden glowing light.
A car pulls into the forest, and Gertie’s voice can be heard pointing out the location of the boys. The ramp to the spaceship lowers. Gertie runs up to Mike and E.T. She gives E.T. the plant and says that she just wanted to say goodbye. Michael responds that E.T. doesn’t know goodbye.
"Be good," says E.T.
"Yes," says Gertie, as she kisses him on the nose.
Mike places his hand on E.T.’s head.
[This is a basic gesture of trust. The fact that E.T. allows Mike to do this indicates that he considers him a friend.]
E.T. puts the plant on the ground, as Mary and "Keys" run up to the edge of the site. Mike picks up Gertie and carries her away as Elliott approaches E.T.
"Come," says E.T
"Stay," says Elliott.
[The two characters that had merged into one protagonist must split apart because they now have different primary objectives. E.T. want’s to return home, and Elliott wants him to remain.]
E.T. lifts his finger to his lips and says "ouch."
[Of course, this indicates the pain he feels in their separation.]
Elliott tearfully lifts his finger to his lips and says "ouch."
[The symmetry of his movements indicate that in some sense, they still are one.]
E.T. and Elliott hug each other as the are visually surrounded by blue and white lights. Then Elliott and Mary exchange glances as Mike and Gertie stand by and watch. E.T. lifts his finger to Elliott’s forehead. It lights up, then he says: "I’ll be right here."
[The resolution of the dilemma. Though E.T. leaves, he will still remain,perhaps telepathically, or perhaps only within Elliott’s thoughts.]
"Bye," says Elliott.
E.T. picks up the potted plant and carries it up the gangplank. Elliott watches from below as Harvey starts up the plank, then returns to Elliott’s side.
[E.T. leaves with what he really came for, a sample of the earth’s vegetative life form. But now he has much more in the flowers that will serve as a memorial of all that he has experienced with his new friends.]
The gangplank lifts up and separates E.T. from Elliott. The ships circular entrance closes. The spaceship lifts off. Elliott watches it float up into the sky. It then speeds away, leaving an orange-blue rainbow behind against the blue-morning sky.
[Orange and blue were also the colors of E.T.’s makeshift communication device as found by Mike in the forest.]
Mary watches and laughs with happiness. The other boys also watch, as Mike holds Gertie in his arms. The film ends with a shot of Elliott gazing up into the sky.
VIDEÓ indítása itt:
climax – tetőpont
device – eszköz, műszaki eszköz
dilemma – dilemma
edge – vminek széle
forehead – homlok
gangplank – palló
gesture – gesztus
glance – pillantás
housetop – háztető
objective – cél
pain – fájdalom
potted plant – cserepes növény
primary – elsődleges
protagonist – főszereplő
ramp – rámpa, lépcső
resolution – döntés, elhatározás
symmetry – szimmetria
telepathically – telepatikus úton
to approach – megközelíteni vmit
to be surrounded by … – … által körülvéve lenni
to brush – söpör
to descend – leereszkedik
to exchange – cserél, vált
to experience – átél, megél, megtapasztal
to flash – felragyog, felvillan
to flutter – lebeg, lebegtet
to gaze – bámul, meredten néz
to hug – megölel
to indicate – jelez, mutat
to remain – marad, megmarad
turntable – lejátszó