Ma tovább folytatjuk a Muppet-show témát, és a versengést a nyeremény jegyekért, amellyel az első között nézheted meg a jövő héten bemutatásra kerülő új egész esetés Muppet mozit! Én már láttam is a jegyeket, nagyon jól néznek ki, ráadásul az ország egész területén, bármelyik Cinema City moziban felhasználhatja majd az az 5 szerencsés nyertes, aki megnyeri a négyszemélyes belépőt a Fórum Hungary jóvoltából.
Mai leckékben elolvashatod, hogy miről is szól a legújabb film, a nyereményért pedig a következő kérdésre kell válaszolnod:
Melyik ausztrál popsztárral énekelt duettet Kermit, azaz Breki 2001-ben?
Ha egy kis segítségre van szükséged, nézd meg a videót Youtube csatornánkon! Ha tudod a választ, akkor is nézd meg, mert megcsináltam sing-along verzióban, így te beszállhatsz harmadiknak a dalolásba :- )
Itt nézheted meg a videót:
A helyes megfejtést a email címre küldd el MUPPETS tárggyal!
Jó tanulást!
The Muppets return!
It has been 12 years since the last time Kermit the Frog and his fuzzy friends appeared in theaters, a fact the new musical comedy "The Muppets" acknowledges and runs with. In the film, directed by James Bobin (of HBO’s "Flight of the Conchords"), and starring Jason Segel (who also co-wrote), members of the Muppet gang have fallen on hard times but reunite to save their beloved Muppet Theater, with the help of some human pals. The film’s mix of old-fashioned fun and clever updates is delighting critics.
Kermit the Frog
He’s green. He has crazy friends, flippers, a penchant for pigs…and one of the most recognizable singing voices since the King. Kermit the Frog is back on the big screen, and this time, he’s teaming up with Jason Segel, Amy Adams, Chris Cooper and newcomer Walter, plus the whole Muppet gang, for a brand-new, big-screen adventure in Disney’s “The Muppets”.
“It’s funny, upbeat and full of laughs for everyone…frogs, pigs, bears…even people,” says Kermit. “For new fans, it’s a chance to see the Muppets in action on the big screen. And for old fans it’s a chance to get together with old friends… and get a little crazy together.”
The plot
On vacation in Los Angeles, Walter, the world’s biggest Muppet fan, his brother Gary (Jason Segel) and Gary’s girlfriend, Mary (Amy Adams), from Smalltown, USA, discover the nefarious plan of oilman Tex Richman (Chris Cooper) to raze Muppet Studios and drill for the oil recently discovered beneath the Muppets’ former stomping grounds. To stage a telethon and raise the $10 million needed to save the studio, Walter, Mary and Gary help Kermit reunite the Muppets, who have all gone their separate ways: Fozzie now performs with a Reno casino tribute band, called the Moopets, Miss Piggy is a plus-size fashion editor at Vogue Paris, Animal is in a Santa Barbara clinic for anger management, and Gonzo is a high-powered plumbing magnate.
Disney’s “The Muppets” is directed by James Bobin and produced by David Hoberman and Todd Lieberman with a screenplay written by Segel & Nicholas Stoller, who also serve as executive producers along with John G. Scotti and “The Muppet Show” veteran Martin G. Baker. Bret McKenzie is the music supervisor as well as the writer/producer of three original songs. Original score is by Christophe Beck, Michael Rooney is the choreographer, Rahel Afiley is the costume designer, and James Thomas is the editor. Steve Saklad is the production designer, and Don Burgess, ASC, is the director of photography.
The cast, which includes Kermit the Frog, Miss Piggy, Segel, three-time Academy Award® nominee Adams, Fozzie Bear, Gonzo, Walter and Academy Award winner Cooper, also features Rashida Jones. Honoring the Muppet tradition, celebrity cameos include Donald Glover, Leslie Feist, Alan Arkin, Kristen Schaal, Eddie “Piolín” Sotelo, Ken Jeong, James Carville, Rico Rodriguez and Judd Hirsch.
“There are more cameos, but I can’t talk about them,” says Kermit. “One of the ways the Muppets get big stars to be in our movies is by promising not to tell anyone about it – besides, it’s more fun when you’re watching the movie and are surprised by who shows up.”
Disney’s “The Muppets” hits the big screen in Hungary on 12 January, 2012.
fuzzy [ˈfʌzi] bolyhos
to appear [tə əˈpɪə] megjelenik, feltűnik
fact [fækt] tény
to acknowledge [tə əkˈnɒlɪdʒ] elismer, bevall
member [ˈmembə] tag
to fall on hard times [tu fɔːl ɒn hɑːd taɪmz] nehéz időket él
to reunite [tu ˌriːjuːˈnaɪt] újra összejön
beloved [bɪˈlʌvɪd] kedvelt, szeretett
human pals [ˈhjuːmən pælz] emberi cimborák
old-fashioned [əʊl ˈfæʃn̩d] régimódi
to delight somebody [tu dɪˈlaɪt ˈsʌmbədi] örömet szerez valakinek
flipper [ˈflɪpə] békaláb, békatalp
penchant for [ˈpɑːnʃɑːn fɔː] hajlam, vonzódás
recognizable [ˈrekəɡnaɪzəbl̩] felismerhető
to team up with [tu tiːm ʌp wɪð] összeáll valakivel
newcomer [ˈnjuːkʌmə] újonc
upbeat [ˈʌpbiːt] vidám
plot [plɒt] cselekmény
to discover [tu dɪˈskʌvə] felfedez
nefarious [nɪˈfeərɪəs] aljas, alávaló, gonosz
to raze [tu reɪz] lerombol
to drill for the oil [tu drɪl fə ði oɪl] olajat fúr
beneath [bɪˈniːθ] alatt
to stomp around [tu stɒmp əˈraʊnd] tapos
to stage a telethon [tu steɪdʒ ə ˈteləθɒn] jótékonysági műsort rendez
to raise money [tu reɪz ˈmʌni] pénzt gyűjt
tribute band [ˈtrɪbjuːt bænd] emlékzenekar
plus-size [plʌs saɪz] duci, telt
anger management [ˈæŋɡə ˈmænɪdʒmənt] düh kezelés
plumbing magnate [ˈplʌmɪŋ ˈmæɡneɪt] vízvezeték szerelő mágnás
screenplay [ˈskriːnpleɪ] forgatókönyv
cast [kɑːst] szereposztás
cameo [ˈkæmɪəʊ] ismert színész megjelenése