Ma tovább folytatjuk az ír témát, és miután hétfőn megnéztük, hogy mit kell tudni Szent Patrikról, majd kedden megismertük a legfontosabb ír szimbólumokat, ma az ír konyhában mélyedünk el egy kicsit!
Ne feledd az aktuális nyereményjátékunkat sem, hiszen most nyelvvizsgát nyerhetsz velünk most, ha 2012.03.20. és 2012.04.28. között éves előfizetést vásárolsz, vagy hosszabbítasz a magazinunkra. Ez itt teheted meg:
A nyereményjáték pontos leírását pedig itt találod:
Jó tanulást!
Mutton stews, boiled pork, creamysalted butter, rich cheeses and potato make up the backbone of Irish cookery, with modern Irish chefs adding sophistication to its simple style. Irish cuisine is not complete without potato which was brought to Ireland from Peru in the 17th century.
There are many Irish dishes involving potatoes. Colcannon is a dish made of potato and one of wild garlic (the earliest form), cabbage or curly kale. Champ consists of mashed potato into which chopped scallions (spring onions) are mixed.
Other examples of simple Irish meals are Irish stew, and also bacon and cabbage (boiled together in water). Boxty is another traditional dish. A dish mostly particular to Dublin is coddle, which involves boiled pork sausages. Ireland is famous for the Irish breakfast, consisting mainly of pork, and may include fried potato farls.
While seafood has always been consumed by Irish people, many shellfish dishes have increased in popularity in recent times, especially due to the high quality of shellfish available from Ireland’s coastline, e.g. Dublin Bay Prawns, Oysters (many oyster festivals are held annually around the coast where oysters are often served with Guinness, the most notable being held in Galway every September ) as well as other crustaceans. Salmon and cod are perhaps the two most common types of fish used.
Traditional Irish breads include soda bread, wheaten bread, soda farls, and blaa, a doughy white bread roll particular to Waterford.
boiled– főtt
common – gyakori
creamy – krémes
crustacean – tengeri páncélos állatka pl rák vagy homár
cuisine – konyhaművészet
curly kale – kelkáposzta, fodorkel
due to sth – vminek köszönhetően
garlic – fokhagyma
in recent times – az utóbbi időkben
mashed potato – tört krumpli, krumpli pure
mutton – birkahús
notable – figyelemre méltó
oyster – osztriga
pork – disznóhús
quality – minőség
scallion – újhagyma
seafood – tengeri ételek, tenger gyümölcsei
sophistication – kifinomultság,
spring onion – újhagyma
stew – ragu, pörkölt
to add sth to sth – vmit hozzáadni vmihez
to be famous for sth – vmiről híresnek lenni
to consist of sth – vmiből áll
to consume – elfogyaszt
to increase in popularity – nő a népszerűsége
to involve – maga után von, magával hoz