Az elmúlt napokban elolvastuk és meghallgattuk az Olimpia történetét, ma pedig az aktuális londoni olimpiával kapcsolatban nézünk meg egy rövid cikket, amely a különböző sporteseményeknek otthont adó helyszínekről szól.
Ne feledd, hogy már kapható a nyomtatott magazinunk augusztusi száma is, ebbe itt nézhetsz bele:
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In July the Olympic Games will take place in London with many other events being held all over the country. The Games start on the 27th of July and continue until the 12th of August 2012. This will be the third time that London has hosted the Olympics, the games were also held there in 1908 and in 1948. Athletes from 204 countries are expected to compete. The 2012 Summer Olympic programme features 26 sports and a total of 39 disciplines. For example in boxing there are 13 different weight categories so there are a total of 13 gold medals available for competitors. Other sports include water polo, swimming, cycling, volleyball and table tennis.
By far the most popular sports at the Olympics are the track and field events. The track events are held on the running track and include running, hurdling and walking. The field events include the javelin, discus, hammer, long jump, high jump, pole vault, shot putt and triple jump. In total there are 47 track events in athletics. The shortest running event is the 100 metres and the longest is the marathon which usually closes the ceremony.
Olympic Stadium
The Olympic stadium is a brand new state-of-the-art sports stadium built especially for the Olympics. It was started on the7th of November 2007 and construction took four years, finishing in 2011. It is an original 80,000-seat stadium, it will be the centrepiece for the 2012 Games, hosting the opening and closing ceremonies and the athletics events, converting down to a 60,000-seat permanent stadium after the games. It is located at Marshgate Lane in London’s Stratford district in the Lower Lea Valley in east London. It is the country’s third biggest stadium.
The Olympic park
The Olympic Park is situated to the east of the city, next to the Stratford City development. The total area of the park is 2.5 square kilometres. It contains the Olympic stadium and the Olympic Village. There are 6 other sports venues which include the Aquatics Centre where the water sports will take place. The London Velopark where the cycling events will take place. The other venues will host field hockey, water polo, basketball, handball and fencing.
The football events will take place all over the country. There are many more venues around the city that will be used for many different sports, for example the ExCeL will host the boxing and some other sports and the Greenwich stadium will host the equestrian events.
So, this summer the Olympics will dominate not only the sporting calendar but will be the news event of the year. No doubt there will be great performances, scandals, tragedies and tears but that is what sport is, it is the drama of the masses.
to take place [tə teɪk ˈpleɪs] – megrendezésre kerül
to host [tə həʊst] – vendégül lát
to be expected [tə bi ɪkˈspektɪd] – valamitől várnak valamit
to compete [tə kəmˈpiːt] – versenyez
available [əˈveɪləbəl] – elérhető, megszerezhető
competitor [kəmˈpetɪtə] – versenyző
to include [tu ɪnˈkluːd] – magába foglal, beleért
track and field events [træk ənd fiːld ɪˈvents] – atlétikai számok
running track [ˈrʌnɪŋ træk] – futópálya
hurdling [ˈhɜːdəlɪŋ] – gátfutás
javelin [ˈdʒævlɪn] – gerelyhajítás
discus [ˈdɪskəs] – diszkoszvetés
pole vault [pəʊl vɔːlt] – rúdugrás
shot putt [ʃɒt pʌt] – súlylökés
triple jump [ˈtrɪpəl dʒʌmp] – hármasugrás
brand new [brænd njuː] – vadonatúj
state-of-the-art [steɪt ɒv ðə ɑːt] – legmodernebb
especially [ɪˈspeʃəli] – különösen, főként
construction [kənˈstrʌkʃən] – építkezés
centrepiece [ˈsentəpiːs] – asztaldísz (itt: középpont)
to convert down to [tə kənˈvɜːt daʊn tuː] – átalakul
district [ˈdɪstrɪkt] – kerület
development [dɪˈveləpmənt] – fejlesztés, fejlődés
venue [ˈvenjuː] – helyszín
fencing [ˈfensɪŋ] – vívás
equestrian [ɪˈkwestrɪən] – lovas
to dominate [tə ˈdɒmɪneɪt] – dominál, uralkodik
no doubt [nəʊ daʊt] – kétség kívül
performance [pəˈfɔːməns] – előadás, teljesítmény
scandal [ˈskændəl] – botrány
tear [ˈtɪə] – könny
mass [mæs] – tömeg