A tegnapi maratoni lapzárta után jól elfáradtunk, így most ránk fér egy kis pihenés és alvás, úgyhogy nézzük tovább az “alvás” témát, és beszéljünk az álmokról!
Ne feledd, hogy a nyomtatott 5 Perc Angol Magazin januári száma még kapható az újságárusoknál! Ha még nincs meg neked, akkor itt tudsz belenézni a tartalomba:
Jó tanulást!
Dreams are things that happen in our mind while we are sleeping. Dreams can seem so realistic that we might think that we are actually awake! Most people do not remember their dreams unless they wake up in the middle of the dream. Many dreams involve things that could not happen in real life.
There are many different theories about why people dream about what they dream about. Every person has different dreams. Some psychologists believe that dreams reflect our subconscious thoughts and feelings. Others think that people, places, and objects in dreams are symbols for other things. There are many books and websites devoted to making sense of dreams.
be/live in a dream world – álomvilágban élni
beyond your wildest dreams – a legmerészebb álmaidban sem
Dream on! – Álmodozz csak!
not in my wildest dreams – még a legmerészebb álmaimban sem
In your dreams! – Álmaidban!
like a dream – mint egy álom
the man/woman/something of your dreams – álmaid férfija/nője/valamije
a dream came true – egy álom vált valóra
A nightmare is a bad dream. It can make you feel scared, anxious, or upset, but nightmares are not real and can’t harm you.
Stressful things that happen during the day can turn dreams into nightmares. Nightmares may be a way to relieve the pressures of the day. Sometimes major changes, such as movingor the illness or death of a loved one, can cause stress that leads to nightmares. Another thing that may cause nightmares is watching scary movies or reading scary books, especially before you go to bed. Sometimes if you are sick, especially with a high fever, you may have nightmares. Certain medications also can cause nightmares.
mind – elme
realistic – realisztikus, valósnak tűnő
to be awake – ébren lenni
unless – hacsak nem
theory – elmélet, teória
to reflect – tükröz
subconscious – tudatalatti
thought – gondola
to be devoted to … – …-nak/nek szentelt
nightmare – rémálom
scared – ijedt
anxious – nyugtalan
upset – ideges
to relieve – megkönnyít
pressure – nyomás
scary – ijesztő
medication – gyógyszer
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