Ma tovább folytatjuk a jövőre 20 éves Sztárom a párom filmes témánkat, és mára is egy jelenetet hoztam szöveggel, szószedettel, videóval és egy interaktív kvízzel.
Ne feledd, hogy most ismét akciós áron csatlakozhatsz előfizetőinkhez is, így havonta házhoz szállítva kapod a nyomtatott 5 Perc Angol magazint, ami több mint 1000 oldal tanulnivalót és 12 órányi hanganyagot jelent, alig több, mint 600 forintéert havonta!
Jó tanulást!
Notting Hill: The Dinner
videó és interaktív feladat indítása: ITT
MAX: Come on in. Vague food crisis.
William and Anna move along the corridor to the kitchen.
BELLA: Hiya – sorry – the guinea fowl is proving more complicated than expected.
WILLIAM: He’s cooking guinea fowl?
BELLA: Don’t even ask.
BELLA: Hi. Good Lord – you’re the spitting image of…
WILLIAM: Bella – this is Anna.
BELLA: Right. (pause)
MAX: Okay. Crisis over.
WILLIAM: Max. This is Anna.
MAX: Hello, Anna ahm… Scott – have some wine.
ANNA: Thank you.
Door bell goes. Max opens the door – it is Honey.
MAX: Hi.
She does a little pose, having worn a real party dress.
MAX: Yes, Happy Birthday. Look, your brother has brought this girl, and ahm…
HONEY: Hi guys. (sees Anna) Oh holy f***.
WILLIAM: Hun – this is Anna. Anna – this is Honey – she’s my baby sister.
ANNA: Hiya.
HONEY: Oh God this is one of those key moments in life, when it’s possible you can be really, genuinely cool – and I’m going to fail a hundred percent. I absolutely and totally and utterly adore you and I think you’re the most beautiful woman in the world and more importantly I genuinely believe and have believed for some time now that we can be best friends. What do you think?
ANNA: Ahm… I think that sounds – you know – lucky me. Happy Birthday.
HONEY: Oh my God. You gave me a present. We’re best friends already. Marry Will – he’s a really nice guy and then we can be sisters.
ANNA: I’ll think about it.
vague – bizonytalan, homályos
corridor – folyosó
guinea fowl – gyöngytyúk
to prove (to be) – bizonyulni valamilyennek
the spitting image of – kiköpött mása valakinek
Crisis over. – A krízis elhárult.
key moment – kulcspillanat
to fail – elrontani
utterly – teljesen
to adore – imádni