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Jó tanulást!
videó indítása: ITT
Woman: Hey! Hello there! Haven’t seen you in ages!
Man: Oh… all right yeah.
Woman: Great to see you again! You’re looking really well!
Man: Oh! You think so? Thanks…
Woman: So, how are you?
Man: Well, you know, mustn’t grumble.
Woman: What’ve you been up to? Still working in that coffee shop?
Man: Yeah…same one…
Woman: Still trying to be an actor?
Man: Well, yeah, you know…
Woman: So Hollywood hasn’t called in yet?
Man: Not yet…
Woman: Still living in…that …er…little flat?
Man: Yeah. Same one.
Woman: Well, great.
Man: How about you? You still there…working in the fast food place?
Woman: No! Stopped that a long time ago! I’m working in the city now, financial industries!
Man: Oh. Great. Are you still sharing that house with all those other people?
Woman: No way! I bought a big house with… four bedrooms, and a garden… the works.
Man: Hmm…good for you.
Woman: Listen! We should get together for a drink sometime! Catch up!
Man: Yeah, I’d love to.
Woman: Let’s do it! Keep in touch then!
Haven’t seen you in ages! – Ezer éve nem láttalak!
Great to see you again! – De jó, hogy újra látlak!
mustn’t grumble – nincs okom panaszra
What’ve you been up to? – Mit csinálsz mostanában?
So Hollywood hasn’t called in yet? – Tehát Hollywood még nem jelentkezett be?
Catch up! – Dumáljunk arról kivel mi történt az elmúlt időben!
Keep in touch then! – Tartsuk a kapcsolatot!