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ABBA – Does Your Mother Know
Állítsd helyes sorrendbe az ABBA dal sorait!
A. So you’re blue but I can’t
B. Teasing me
C. Take a chance on a kid like you
D. You’re so hot
E. It’s something I couldn’t do
A. I can read in your face
B. But boy you’re only a child
C. There’s that look
D. In your eyes
E. That your feelings are driving you wild
A. Well, I could dance with you honey
B. If you think it’s funny
C. But does your mother know that you’re out?
D. And I could chat with you baby
E. Flirt a little maybe
F. But does your mother know that you’re out?
A. That’s no way to go
B. Take it easy
C. Better slow down boy
D. Does your mother know?
A. Does your mother know?
B. Take it nice and slow
C. Take it easy
D. Try to cool it boy
A. To be searching for that kind of fun
B. I can see
C. So maybe I’m not the one
D. But you seem pretty young
E. What you want
A. Now, you’re so cute
B. When you give me a flash of that smile
C. And I know what you mean
D. But boy you’re only a child
E. I like your style
A. Does your mother know that you’re out?
B. Flirt a little maybe
C. And I could chat with you baby
D. Does your mother know that you’re out?
E. If you think it’s funny
F. Well, I could dance with you honey
D, B, A, C, E
C, D, A, E, B
A, B, C, D, E, F
B, C, A, D
D, C, A, B
B, E, D, A, C
A, E, C, B, D
F, E, D, C, B, A
Full lyrics:
You’re so hot
Teasing me
So you’re blue but I can’t
Take a chance on a kid like you
It’s something I couldn’t do
There’s that look
In your eyes
I can read in your face
That your feelings are driving you wild
But boy you’re only a child
Well, I could dance with you honey
If you think it’s funny
But does your mother know that you’re out?
And I could chat with you baby
Flirt a little maybe
But does your mother know that you’re out?
Take it easy
Take it easy
Better slow down boy
That’s no way to go
Does your mother know?
Take it easy
Take it easy
Try to cool it boy
Take it nice and slow
Does your mother know?
I can see
What you want
But you seem pretty young
To be searching for that kind of fun
So maybe I’m not the one
Now, you’re so cute
I like your style
And I know what you mean
When you give me a flash of that smile
But boy you’re only a child
Well, I could dance with you honey
If you think it’s funny
Does your mother know that you’re out?
And I could chat with you baby
Flirt a little maybe
Does your mother know that you’re out?
to tease – ugratni
to take a chance – megkockáztatni
to drive stg wild – őrületbe kergetni vkit
to be out – nem otthon lenni
to flirt – kacérkodni
take it easy! – nyugi!
to cool it – lenyugodni
pretty – eléggé