Ma befejezzük heti, történelmes témánkat, és egy zenés leckével fogjuk zárni a hetet.
Mindeközben nálunk már nagyban folyik a karácsonyi vásár: angolul tanulóknak (de jól beszélőknek is) hasznos és szép ajándék lehet egy nyelvkönyv, magazin előfizetés vagy valamilyen idege nyelvű kiadvány!
Nézz szét nálunk, és ajándékozz tudást karácsonyra!
Jó tanulást kívánok!
Michael Jackson: History
videó indítása: ITT
He got kicked in the back
He say that he needed that
He hot willed in the face
Keep daring to motivate
He say one day you will see
His place in world history
He dares to berecognized
The fires deep in his eyes
How many victims must there be
Slaughtered in vain across the land
And how many struggles must there be
Before we choose to live the prophet‘s plan
Everybody sing…
Every day create your history
Every path you take you’re leaving your legacy
Every soldier dies in his glory
Every legend tells of conquest and liberty
Don’t let no one get you down
Keep movin’ on higher ground
Keep flying until
You are the king of the hill
No force of nature can break
Your will to self motivate
She say this face that you see
Is destined for history
How many people have to cry
The song of pain and grief across the land
And how many children have to die
Before we stand to lend a healing hand
Everybody sing…
Every day create your history
Every path you take you’re leaving your legacy
Every soldier dies in his glory
Every legend tells of conquest and liberty
Every day create your history
Every page you turn you’re writing your legacy
Every hero dreams of chivalry
Every child should sing together in harmony
All nations sing
Let’s harmonize all around the world
How many victims must there be
Slaughtered in vain across the land
And how many children must we see
Before we learn to live as brothers
And leave one family oh…
Every day create your history
Every path you take you’re leaving your legacy
Every soldier dies in his glory
Every legend tells of conquest and liberty
Every day create your history
Every page you turn you’re writing your legacy
Every hero dreams of chivalry
Every child should sing together in harmony
A soldier dies
A mother cries
The promised child shines in a baby’s eyes
All nations sing
Let’s harmonize all around the world
got kicked in the back – fenékbe rúgták
hot willed – erős akaratú, lobbanékony
to dare – merni valamit csinálni
to recognize – felismerni, megismerni
victim – áldozat
to slaughter – lemészárolni
in vain – hiábavalóan, feleslegesen
struggle – harc
prophet – próféta
path – ösvény, út
legacy – örökség
glory – dicsőség
conquest – hódítás
liberty – szabadság
get you down – lenyomni valakit
force of nature – természeti erő
will – akarat
is destined – arra rendeltetett
grief – gyász
lend a healing hand – gyógyító kezet nyújtani
to turn a page – lapozni
hero – hős
chivalry – lovagiasság
harmony – összhang, harmónia
to harmonize – összhangba hozni
promised child – megígért gyermek
Can you match the half sentences from the lyrics?
1. Every day |
a. you’re leaving your legacy |
2. Every path you take |
b. dies in his glory |
3. Every soldier |
c. create your history |
4. Every legend |
d. you’re writing your legacy |
5. Every page you turn |
e. dreams of chivalry |
6. Every child should |
f. tells of conquest and liberty |
7. Every hero |
g. should sing together in harmony |
1. c.
2. a.
3. b.
4. f.
5. d.