What about this one?
Alice is at an electronics store because she needs some new appliances for the kitchen. She cooks a lot, and her old appliances don’t really work well. Now she is looking around and talking to the shop assistant.
Shop assistant: Hello! Can I help you, Miss?
Alice: Oh, yes. Thank you. I’m looking to buy some new appliances for my mother.
Shop assistant: What exactly do you need?
Alice: She bakes often, so I would like to buy a mixer.
Shop assistant: … what about this one?
Alice: How much is it?
Shop assistant: It’s 21.99 GBP.
Alice: Do you have something a bit cheaper?
Shop assistant: Yes, we have this basic model that costs 14.99 GBP.
Alice: All right, I’ll take this one.
Shop assistant: Do you need anything else?
Alice: Yes, my sister is planning to move out, so I’ll buy her some new appliances for her kitchen.
Shop assistant: What exactly do you have in mind?
Alice: A toaster, a blender, a microwave oven and a coffee maker.
Shop assistant: Does she like tea?
Alice: Of course!
Shop assistant: Then I think she’ll need a kettle, too!
Alice: Yes, you’re right. How could I have forgotten?
Jessica: Hello Alice. What are these? Are these new appliances?
Alice: Yes, these are new appliances for the kitchen. Do you want to see them?
Jessica: Of course!
Alice: I bought a new mixer because the old one broke when mother and I were preparing muffins
the other day, so we definitely needed it.
Jessica: And what are these?
Alice: As you’re planning to move out, I bought you a toaster, a blender, a microwave oven and a
coffee maker.
Jessica: Ah, thank you! … now I can prepare my coffee, my smoothie and also my toast for breakfast.
Alice: … and you can also heat your meals in the microwave oven! … and wait, have a look at this!
Jessica: What is this?
Alice: This is a kettle for your afternoon tea!
Can I help you Madam?– Segíthetek hölgyem?
I’m looking to buy some new appliances. – Néhány új eszközre lenne szükségem.
What exactly do you need? – Pontosan mire van szüksége?
I definitely need a new mixer. – Egy új konhyai helyett: konyhai robotgépre egészen biztosan szükségem van.
What about this one? – Ehhez mit szólna?
How much is it? – Mennyibe kerül?
Do you have anything cheaper? – Van valami olcsóbb?
I’ll take this one. – Ezt elviszem.
Do you need anything else? – Van még szüksége másra is?
What exactly do you have in mind? – Pontosan mire gondolna?
How could I have forgotten? – Hogyan is felejthettem el?
Do you want to see them?– Akarod látni őket?
Of course! – Persze!
I bought a new mixer because the old one stopped working.– Vettem egy újat, mert a régi megállt a működésben helyett: elromlott.
I definitely needed it. – Határozottan szükségem volt rá.
You know how much I like baking. – Tudod, hogy mennyire szeretek sütni.
You can also heat your meals in the micorwave owen helyett: microwave oven. – És meg is tudod melegíteni az ételeidet a mikróban.
… and wait, have a look at this! – … és várj, ezt nézd!