Ma tovább folytatjuk a hétköznapi tárgyak érdekes történetét, a rágógumi és a croissant után ma a popsicle, azaz a jégnyalóka kerül sorra, amelyről talán olyan dolgokat is megtudhatsz, amikről nem is hallottál korábban! Természetesen mindezt angolul!
Ne feledd, hogy már kapható a nyomtatott 5 Perc Angol Magazin júniusi száma is, klikkelj a címlapra, és nézz be a tartalomba!
Jó tanulást!
The History of Popsicles
Popsicles celebrate more than a century of keeping you cool. Find out who invented the popsicle (by accident, no less), and how this yummy frozen treat has changed over the past 100 years.
In 1905, eleven-year-old Frank Epperson left a cup filled with powdered soda, water, and a stirring stick on his San Francisco porch. That night, low temperatures caused the mixture to freeze — and a summertime staple was born. Today, two billion Popsicles are sold every year.
1923:Epperson debuts his “Epsicle” at an Alameda, California, park. His children, who call the creation Pop’s ‘sicle, persuade him to change the name. Two years later, Epperson partners with the Joe Lowe Company of New York, which distributes the treats around the country.
1939:The brand introduces its mascot, a boy dubbed Popsicle Pete, who appears in ads for the next five decades.
1986: The company retires its two-stick variety (first sold during the Great Depression for a nickel) on the advice of moms, who deem it too messy.
2010Popsicle — now owned by Unilever and made at plants in Nevada, Maryland, and Missouri — releases new Jolly Rancher — flavoured pops, but classic cherry still ranks as the most popular.
to celebrate [tu ˈselɪbreɪt] – ünnepel
century[ˈsentʃəri] – évszázad
by accident [baɪ ˈæksɪdənt] – véletlenül
yummy [ˈjʌmi] – fincsi
frozen treat [ˈfrəʊzən triːt] – fagyos finomság
staple [ˈsteɪpl̩] – állandó, tartós (árucikk, termék)
to distribute [tu dɪˈstrɪbjuːt] – terjeszt
brand [brænd] – márka
mascot[ˈmæskət] – kabalabábu
nickel [ˈnɪkl̩] – ötcentes
on advice of … [ɒn ədˈvaɪs əv] – tanácsára
to release [tu rɪˈliːs] – kiad, piacra dob