Ma befejezzük az anyák napi témát, és végezetül egy aranyos kis anyák napi dalt küldök neked, amelyhez videó is van, sőt feladatot is készítettünk.
Van egy új kuponunk is, ne feledjétek!
Ezzel most a 300-as termékeink 30% kedvezménnyel vásárolhatók meg!
– 300 Hallás utáni értést ellenőrző feladat (alap-, közép- és felsőfokon) 8900 Ft helyett MOST 6230 Ft
– Kártyák: 300 leggyakoribb ige az angolban, 300 hasznos mondat utazáshoz, 300 phrasal verbs 4990 Ft helyett MOST 3493 Ft!
KUPONKÓD: 300kedvezmeny
Jó tanulást és kellemes hétvégét kívánok!
Mother’s Day Song
Every day you keep me safe and warm and loved and fed
But today’s your special day,
It was my turn instead
So I got up at 5 a.m. I’ve-been working hard since then
Some things I didn’t get quite right, next year I’ll try again
Just for you I did my best to cut my own hair
Some places came out pretty good.
And some are kind of bare
I washed all your nicest clothes, but the washer wasn’t free
So I used the dishwasher
Pretty smart of me!
Remember no one’s perfect.
Every kid has fault,
Remember it’s the thought that counts, more than the results
My heart was in the right place even though I did it wrong
It was all to say on Mother’s Day my love for you is strong
I vacuumed really quietly I didn’t use the power
I cleaned your dirty iPad screen, I held it in the shower
I painted all the ceilings it was easy with the mop
Now the carpet’s painted too with cool rainbow drops!
I answered all your work e-mails with “Just leave me alone”
And we gave a prince from Scamdinavia a loan
I watered all the house plants with the garden hose
I forgot to turn it off sometimes that’s how it goes
Your car’s shiny inside and out with lots of olive oil
Who knew that oatmeal splatters up so high and for on boil
I tried to make you orange juice but I spilled it on the floor
I tried to fry you bacon we don’t have a stove no more
Since you can’t really cook this week I called the pizza place
I emptied out the fridge and freezer so there’s enough space
They should be here any time, two dozen pizza pies
I paid with your credit card, I hope that you’re surprised
Remember no one’s perfect.
Every kid has faults,
Remember it’s the thought that counts, more than the results
My heart was in the right place even though I did it wrong
It was all to say on Mother’s Day my love for you is strong
My heart was in the right place even though I did it wrong
It was all to say on Mother’s Day my love for you is strong
My heart was in the right place even though I did it wrong
It was all to say on Mother’s Day my love for you is strong
It was all to say on Mother’s Day my love for you is strong
Although it’s the thought that counts, but quite a lot of things went wrong here. What should and shouldn’t the kid have done? Can you fill in the gaps in the sentences?
1. She shouldn’t have cut her …….. on her own.
2. She shouldn’t have washed the clothes in the ………. but she should have used the ……… instead.
3. She shouldn’t have held her mum’s iPad in the ……… .
4. She shouldn’t have painted the ……….. with a ….. .
5. She shouldn’t have answered her mum’s ……….. with ‘Just leave me alone’.
6. She shouldn’t have used …….. to clean the car.
7. She shouldn’t have ordered ……… pizza pies.
8. She shouldn’t have emptied neither the ……… nor the ……… .
Key: 1. hair 2. dishwasher, washer 3. shower 4. ceiling, mop 5. work e-mails 6. olive oil 7. two dozen 8. fridge, freezer