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Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after March 20th.
Carnival is the festive season which occurs immediately before Lent.
Lent is the forty day preparation period before Easter.
Ash Wednesday
It is common not to eat meat on Ash Wednesday.
The Last Supper
The Last Supper was the last meal Jesus shared with his disciples before his death.
The Holy Week
The Holy Week includes Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday.
The Crucifixion
Jesus was sentenced to crucifixion by Pontius Pilate.
The Resurrection
The resurrection is said to have taken place on Easter Sunday.
The Lamb
It is common to have roast lamb on Easter Sunday.
The Ham
Many people prepare roast ham at Easter time.
The Candy
Most children eat candy on Easter Sunday.
The Easter Egg
These days Easter eggs are made of chocolate.
To Decorate Eggs
In many countries it is traditional to decorate chicken eggs.
The Easter Egg Hunt
Many children search for eggs in an Easter Egg Hunt.
The Easter Basket
When the children find the eggs, they put them in the Easter basket.
The Easter Bunny
The Easter Bunny brings chocolate eggs to children the night before Easter.
The Easter Chick
It is common to give chicks at Easter as a gift.
The Easter Lily
You can see many Easter lilies before Easter every year.
to celebrate – ünnepelni
full moon – telihold
festive – ünnepi
to occur – történni
Lent – nagyböjt
preparation period – felkészülési időszak
Ash Wednesday – hamvazószerda
Last Supper – utolsó vacsora
meal – étkezés
disciple – apostol, tanítvány
to include – magában foglalni
Palm Sunday – virágvasárnap
Holy Thursday – nagycsütörtök
Good Friday – nagypéntek
to sentence to something – valamire ítélni
crucifixion – keresztre feszítés
resurrection – feltámadás
roast – sült
ham – sonka
candy – édesség
traditional – hagyományos
Easter egg hunt – húsvéti tojás keresés
basket – kosár
Easter Bunny – húsvéti nyuszi
chick – kiscsibe
lily – liliom
church – templom, gyülekezet