Ahogy azt már hétfőn mondam, a héten a nyomtatott magazinból hozok neked ízelítőt. Ma ismét a hírek a nagyvilágból rovatból, amellyel nem csak az olvasást, hanem a hallás utáni értést is gyakorolhatod. Sőt, feladat is van a leckéhez!
Apropó magazin! Visszatért az egyik valaha volt legnépszerűbb akciónkat is: az éves nyomtatott magazin előfizetéshez most a digitális példányt is megkapod, és 2012-ig minden magazinhoz hozzáférsz a digitális archívumban.
Remélem hamarosan te is velem fogsz tanulni, most pedig nézzük a mai leckét!
We’re in our 80s & we sold our home to buy a cabin on a ship
AN ELDERLY couple have taken a leap of faith by selling their house for a cabin on a ship – despite it not being built yet.
Mike Soroker, 80, and his wife Barbara, 75, have purchased a £2million cabin on the Storylines MV Narrative, where they plan to live full time. The couple feel now is the time to do something they’ve always dreamed of while they still can, even if it is under dramatic circumstances.
But with a lot of money already invested in their adventure, there’s no turning back.
Speaking to Business Insider, Mike said: “My wife and I see the MV Narrative as an adventure. We worked all these years, building ourselves up. It’s time to reap the rewards.”
The cruise ship will circumnavigate the Earth once every three years continuously, with stops in ports across the globe.
Mike is most looking forward to visiting the Middle East and Antarctica, while Barbara has a particular interest in seeing Asia. But their life aboard the luxury residential cruise ship will also be about meeting new people and making new friends.
Mike and Barbara’s life-changing decision will certainly raise a few eyebrows but they have prepared for a number of potential scenarios. Not only have they sorted onboard healthcare, but they’ll also ensure they have somewhere on land to return to if needed.
With the cruise ship not due to set sail until 2025, Mike and Barbara’s decision is certainly a brave one.
source: The Sun
image: sourced from a stock library
elderly – idős
couple – házastárs
to take a leap of faith – hitbeli lépést tenni
despite sg – valami ellenére
to purchase – vásárolni
full time – teljes időben, állandóan
circumstance – körülmény
to invest – befektetni
adventure – kaland
there’s no turning back – innen már nincs visszaút
to reap – learatni
reward – jutalom
cruise ship – luxushajó
to circumnavigate – körbehajózni
continuously – folyamatosan
port – kikötő
across the globe – világszerte
aboard – fedélzetén
life-changing – életet megváltoztató
decision – döntés
to raise a few eyebrows – páran megrökönyödnek rajta
potential – lehetséges, potenciális
scenario – forgatókönyv
to ensure – biztosítani
to set sail – elindulni, vitorlát bontani
brave – bátor