Remélem kellemesen telt a hétvégéd. Mi nagyon feszített tempóban dolgoztunk mindkét nap, hiszen ma hajnalban került nyomdába a nyomtatott 5 Perc Angol Magazin júniusi száma.
Szerda estig még kapható a májusi számunk, így ha erről lemaradtál, akkor még megveheted. A tartalomba – képes ízelítővel – itt nézhetsz bele (klikkelj a galéria kis képeire, így nagyban is meg tudod nézni őket):
A héten úgy gondoltam, hogy foglalkozzunk a hallás utáni értéssel. Minden napra két feladatot készítettem: egyet alapfokra, egyet pedig középfokra. A szövegeket meg tudod hallgatni, majd válaszolnod kell a kérdésekre, ellenőrzésképpen pedig el is olvashatod a cikkeket.
Jó tanulást!
ALAPFOK – szöveg meghallgatása: ITT
1. Baby Matys was born in the United Kingdom.
2. The baby was rescued from a rubbish bin.
3. Mr and Mrs Miessan have other children.
4. Mr and Mrs Miessan had to go to prison.
5. Mr and Mrs Miessan wanted to give the baby a better life.
Married couple desperate to start a family smuggle a baby into the UK from Sierra Leone
A childless couple smuggled an African baby into Britain and tried to pass him off as their own. When confronted by the authorities, they admitted the newborn was not theirs but claimed he had been rescued from a rubbish bin. Kacou Miessan, 44, and his wife Raymonde, 39, had unsuccessfully undergone IVF treatment after trying to conceive for more than 13 years. Mrs Miessan visited her native Sierra Leone for several months last year and mysteriously returned with the baby, Canterbury Crown Court heard. She had registered the boy’s birth there and, as a French national, was able to get him a passport. The couple named the boy Matys –which means ‘gift from God’ – and began a new life in Ashford, Kent. But the wife had never been pregnant, James Bilsland, prosecuting, told the court. When eight weeks later the couple fell out with a relative, the authorities learned that the child had been brought into the UK illegally and he was taken into care. Mrs Miessan told police that her mother had found the child in a street bin, his umbilical cord still attached, and offered it to her. The couple said they had wanted to save Matys and give him a ‘good life’. They admitted smuggling the child into the UK using fake documents and were jailed for a year.
Christopher Harding, defending Mrs Miessan, said: ‘Because of the failure of the IVF treatment this was in effect an act of desperation.’ The court heard she had told investigators: ‘We did it to help him. We are sorry we didn’t do it by the rules. We intended to give something good back by giving Matys a good life.’ She told police that, if she could have, she would have tried to ‘save’ more abandoned children by smuggling them into the UK. Her husband added: ‘Matys was everything to us. I wanted the best for him. We didn’t do this to harm Matys, to do something wrong. It is true we didn’t do it the right way but we didn’t want to deceive anyone. For us it was Matys, it’s not like we did it for some kind of return, to claim some benefits.’ The baby has been taken into care and a court has ruled that he is to be put up for adoption.DNA tests revealed his parents are likely to have been from South Africa or Namibia.
source: Daily Mail
Answers: 1 – F, 2 – T, 3 – F, 4 – T, 5 – T
KÖZÉPFOK – szöveg meghallgatása: ITT
Irish meat plant closes after ‘beef’ is found to contain 75% horsemeat
1. Eredetileg milyen probléma miatt indult múlt hónapban nyomozás Írország egyik húsfeldolgozó üzemében, és mit találtak?
2. Miért állt le a termelés a Rangeland húsüzemben?
3. Hogy viszonyul ez a hír a Rangeland szavahihetőségéhez?
4. Hogy érinti a Rangeland-botrány a vásárlókat?
5. Miért van ok aggodalomra a brit Élelmiszer-minőségi Szervezettel kapcsolatban?
Irish meat plant closes after ‘beef’ is found to contain 75% horsemeat
Rangeland Foods, which supplied McDonald’s Ireland until 2007, was discovered to be using the suspect Polish product in making beef burgers. None of the contaminated meat has entered the food chain, the company said. Police have now joined the three-week-old Irish investigation, which found last month that Tesco was selling beefburgers that contained up to 29 per cent horsemeat. Rangeland, based in Co Monaghan, bills itself as Ireland’s number one producer of beefburgers to the food service industry and says its products are manufactured using only top quality Irish beef with full traceability from farm to plate. It supplies pubs and restaurants, fast food outlets, event catering and industrial catering. Rangeland said in a statement last night: “As of this evening Rangeland Foods, Castleblaney Co.Monaghan has temporarily suspended production of beef following the interception of beef from Poland which tested positive for equine DNA. This consignment was received in early January and did not go into production. Upon receiving these results Rangeland immediately reported the matter to the Department of Agriculture. Rangeland has now temporarily suspended production to permit a full investigation. 90% of Rangeland’s beef usage is of Irish origin.”
Silvercrest, the Irish food factory at the centre of the original scandal, suspended all production last month after two thirds of beefburgers tested by officials were found to contain horse meat. Anne McIntosh, chairman of the Commons environment select committee, warned yesterday that Britain’s Food Standards Agency had failed to get to grips with the horsemeat affair and said recent cases were just the “tip of the iceberg.” She said: “We have had two incidents in two weeks, neither of which was discovered by the Food Standards Agency. The agency must face questions over whether it is fit for purpose.” The agency yesterday discussed with supermarkets and suppliers how to prevent contaminated meat from entering the supply chain. It also discussed how much contamination was acceptable in meat.
source: Telegraph
1. Azért került sor nyomozásra, mert a Tesco marha burgerhúsban akár 29% lóhúst találtak, a beszállító Silvercrest húsüzemben pedig a burgerhúsok kétharmadában szintén lóhús volt jelen.
2. Felfüggesztették a termelést, mivel az ő üzemükbe is érkezett a gyanús lengyel szállítmányból, és várják a teljes kivizsgálást.
3. A Rangeland azt állította, hogy a termékei kizárólag magas minőségű, nyomon követhető ír marhahúsból készülnek – most azt nyilatkozák, hogy 90 százalékban dolgoznak hazai alapanyagból.
4. A cég szerint egyáltalán nem, mivel a lóhúst tartalmazó szállítmányt azonosították még mielőtt bekerült volna a termelésbe.
5. Ez a szervezet a két héten belül történt két eset közül egyikre sem derített fényt, ami arra utal, hogy nem megfelelően működik.