Ebből az összeállításból utazással kapcsolatos phrasal verb-öket, azaz vonzatos igéket fogunk megtanulni.
to set out
definition: to begin a journey
magyarul: útnak indulni, útra kelni, elindulni
example: Hurry up, it’s time to set out! – Igyekezz, ideje elindulni!
to see somebody off
definition: to accompany somebody who is leaving to say goodbye to them
magyarul: kikísérni valakit
example: I will see you off to the airport tomorrow though I hate to see you leave. – Kikísérlek holnap a repülőtérre, bár rosszul esik, hogy elmész.
to drop somebody off
definition: to take somebody somewhere
magyarul: elvinni valakit valahová
example: I can drop you off at the railway station on my way to work if you want. – Ha akarod, munkába menet elvihetlek a vasútállomásra.
to pick somebody up
definition: to go and meet someone that you have arranged to take somewhere in a vehicle
magyarul: elmenni valakiért és elhozni, felszedni
example: Would you mind picking me up at the airport? The plane will be arriving quite late. – Felszednél engem a repülőtéren? Elég későn fog megérkezni a gép.
to get on
definition: to get into a bus, plane, or train
magyarul: felszállni valamire
example: Why don’t you want to get on the bus? You’ll be late. – Miért nem akarsz felszállni a buszra? El fogsz késni!
to get off
definition: to leave a bus, plane, or train
magyarul: leszállni valamiről
example: Why does it take so long to get off the bus? We arrived 10 minutes ago. – Miért tart ilyen sokáig leszállni a buszról? Már tíz perce megérkeztünk.
to take off
definition: to leave the ground and start flying
magyarul: felszállni (repülő)
example:The plane will be taking off in two minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts. – A repülő két perc múlva felszáll. Kérjük, kössék be a biztonsági övüket!
to look around
definition: to walk around a place and see what is there
magyarul: körülnézni
example: Let’s go and look around. I can’t wait to see the Eiffel Tower. – Menjünk, és nézzünk körül! Alig várom, hogy lássam az Eiffel-tornyot!
to show somebody around
definition: to lead someone around a place for the first time, so that they can see all parts of it
magyarul: körbevezetni, megmutatni egy helyet
example: Itwas goodyou’ve shown me around here. You know your city really well. – Jó volt, hogy körbevezettél itt. Igazán jól ismered a városodat!
to stop off
definition: to stop in one place for a short time on your way to another place
magyarul: megszakítani az útját, megállni, beugrani
example: Salisbury is a beautiful place. We should stop off there to see the cathedral. – Salisbury gyönyörű hely. Ugorjunk be egy kicsit, és nézzük meg a katedrálist!
Here is a story of a journey to read. Can you fill in the gaps with the right phrasal verbs?
The day I (1) ….. for England my family (2) ….. me ….. . They (3) ….. me ….. at the airport so that I wouldn’t miss my flight. We said a teary goodbye at the check-in desk. I soon (4) ….. the plane and I made myself comfortable. A little bit later the pilot announced that all electronics were to be switched off, for we were preparing to (5) ….. . As the plane was gaining speed on the runway I just sat back and enjoyed the moment. When our plane landed at Luton Airport and when I (6) ….. ….. there was already a taxi waiting to (7) ….. me ….. . The taxi took me to London to a nice little hotel. On the way there we (8) ….. ….. in Windsor for a short sightseeing. In London I checked in the hotel and (9) ….. ….. a bit before going to bed after a tiring day. The next day I met up with my friends and they (10) ….. me ….. London as it was my first time there. I will never forget the time I could spend together with them.