1. out of the blue – suddenly, unexpectedly – hirtelen
2. a bolt from the blue – a sudden/unexpected thing – derült égből villámcsapás
3. to be blue – to be sad – szomorú
4. the blues – sadness OR a 3 chord style of music – 1. szomorú 2. zene 3 akkordos stílusban
5. a blue note – in jazz and blues, a note played at a slightly lower pitch than that of the major scale – hang, amit a dúr skálához képest kicsit alacsonyabb hangnemben játszanak (dzsessz, blues zenében)
6. once in a blue moon – infrequently – nagyon ritkán, minden szökőévben
7. blue-collar worker – someone who does manual labor or belongs to the working class – fizikai munkás
8. a blue blood – an aristocratic person – kékvérű, arisztokrata
9. to talk a blue streak – to talk a lot – sokat beszélni
10. to turn blue – to have difficulty breathing – elkékülni (légzési nehézségek miatt)
11. blue with cold – feeling very cold – nagyon fázni
12. until you’re blue in the face – having lost your patience – elveszíteni a türelmét, míg el nem lilulsz
13. a blue movie – a pornographic film – pornófilm
14. a blueprint (for something) – a design, a guide – tervrajz, fénymásolat
15. true blue – faithful – hűséges
16. into the wide/wild blue – to an unknown/faraway place – ismeretlen helyre, a világ végére
17. to turn the air blue – to swear a lot – sokat káromkodni
18. between the devil and the deep blue sea – a dilemma, to choose between two undesirable situations – két rossz közül választani
19. the boys in blue – the police – rendőrség
20. a blue state (U.S.) – a state whose residents are politically more Democrat – olyan amerikai állam, melynek lakói többnyire Demokrata pártiak
21. a blue (British) – a Tory – konzervatív
22. to scream blue murder (British) – to express yourself angrily – mérgében üvölt, hangosan méltatlankodik
23. a blue-eyed boy (British) – The favouriteof someone in power,especially a young boywho can do no wrong – valaki kedvence, azt tartják róla, hogy soha semmi rosszat nem képes tenni (pl. egy tanár kedvence)
24. rare as a blue diamond – very rare – ritka, mint a fehér holló
Match the idioms with the definitions.
1. out of the blue |
A. sadness OR a 3 chord style of music |
2. abolt from the blue |
B. someone who does manual labor or belongs to the working class |
3. to be blue |
C. a design, a guide |
4. the blues |
D. feeling very cold |
5. ablue note |
E. having lost your patience |
6. once in a blue moon |
F. suddenly, unexpectedly |
7. blue-collar worker |
G. infrequently |
8. ablue blood |
H. to talk a lot |
9. to turn blue |
I.a pornographic film |
10. blue with cold |
J. faithful |
11. until you’re blue in the face |
K. to an unknown/faraway place |
12. ablue movie |
L. a sudden/unexpected thing |
13. ablueprint (for something) |
M. a dilemma, to choose between two undesirable situations |
14. true blue |
N. to be sad |
15. into the wide/wild blue |
O. an aristocratic person |
16. to turn the air blue |
P. to have difficulty breathing |
17. between the devil and the deep blue sea |
Q. in jazz and blues, a note played at a slightly lower pitch than that of the major scale |
18. the boys in blue |
R. a Tory |
19. ablue state |
S. The favouriteof someone in power,especially a young boywho can do no wrong |
20. ablue |
T. to express yourself angrily |
21. to scream blue murder |
U. a state whose residents are politically more Democrat |
22. ablue-eyed boy |
V. the police |
23. rare as a blue diamond |
W. to swear a lot |
24. to talk a blue streak |
X. very rare |
1. F
2. L
3. N
4. A
5. Q
6. G
7. B
8. O
9. P
10. D
11. E
12. I.
13. C
14. J
15. K
16. W
17. M
18. V
19. U
20. R
21. T
22. S
23. X
24. H
bolt |
villámcsapás, mennykőcsapás |
chord |
akkord |
note |
hang |
pitch |
hangmagasság |
major scale |
dúr skála |
manual labour |
fizikai munka |
working class |
munkásosztály |
streak |
csík, sáv |
unknown |
ismeretlen |
faraway |
távoli |
to swear |
káromkodni |
devil |
ördög |
a Tory |
konzervatív |
murder |
gyilkosság |
someone in power |
hatalmon lévő, valamilyen tisztséggel rendelkező |
diamond |
gyémánt |