Színekkel kapcsolatos idiómáink sorában most a szürke következik!
1. grey area – unclear, caught between two differing views – szürke terület, köztes terület, tisztázatlan, két eltérő nézet közé eső, “se nem fekete, se nem fehér”
2. grey matter – part of the brain – szürkeállomány
3. to give someone grey hairs – to try someone’s patience – “beleőszülni valamibe”, megpróbálni valaki türelmét
4. grey market – is the trade of goods through distribution channels which, while legal, are unofficial, unauthorized, or unintended by the original manufacturer – szürke piac
5. to turn grey – become grey-haired – megőszülni
6. the grey vote – the voting of retired/elderly people – szürke voksok (idős emberek voksai)
7. grey friar – a Franciscan monk – ferencesrendi szerzetes
8. All cats are grey in the dark. – things are indistinguishable in the dark so appearances don’t matter – Sötétben minden tehén fekete.
9. Grey Cardinal – someone who exerts power behind the scenes, without drawing attention to himself or herself – „szürke eminenciás”
10. grey pound – in the UK, the grey pound is an idiom for the money that older people as a group have available to spend in an economy – az idősek vásárlóereje egy gazdaságban
11. grey mood – an unhappy mood – borongós hangulat
12. a greybeard – an old man – idős (ősz szakállú) ember
13. greyhound – a very old European breed of dog – angol agár
14. Grey Goose – it is a premium brand vodka produced in France – drága francia vodkamárka
15. grey economy – The informal sector, informal economy, or grey economy is the part of an economy that is neither taxed, nor monitored by any form of government. – szürkegazdaság
16. grey water – water that has been used for one purpose but can be used again without repurification, e.g. bath water, which can be used to water plants – újrafelhasznált víz (pl. fürdővíz öntözésre)
Match the definitions with the idioms.
1. grey area | A. is the trade of goods through distribution channels which, while legal, are unofficial, unauthorized, or unintended by the original manufacturer |
2. grey matter | B. things are indistinguishable in the dark so appearances don’t matter |
3. to give someone grey hairs | C. in the UK, the grey pound is an idiom for the money that older people as a group have available to spend in an economy |
4. grey market | D. become grey-haired |
5. to turn grey | E. an unhappy mood |
6. the grey vote | F. it is a premium brand vodka produced in France |
7. grey friar | G. unclear, caught between two differing views |
8. All cats are grey in the dark. | H. part of the brain |
9. Grey Cardinal | I. an old man |
10. grey pound | J. a Franciscan monk |
11. grey mood | K. the voting of retired/elderly people |
12. a greybeard | L. The informal sector, informal economy, or grey economy is the part of an economy that is neither taxed, nor monitored by any form of government. |
13. greyhound | M. to try someone’s patience |
14. Grey Goose | N. someone who exerts power behind the scenes, without drawing attention to himself or herself |
15. grey economy | O. water that has been used for one purpose but can be used again without repurification, e.g. bath water, which can be used to water plants |
16. grey water | P. a very old European breed of dog |
1. G.
2. H.
3. M.
4. A.
5. D.
6. K.
7. J.
8. B.
9. N.
10. C.
11. E.
12. I.
13. P.
14. F.
15. L.
16. O.
differing | egymástól különböző |
trade | kereskedelem |
goods | árucikkek |
distribution channels | értékesítési csatornák |
unofficial | nem hivatalos |
unauthorized | illetéktelen, jogosulatlan |
unintended | nem tervezett |
friar | szerzetes, barát |
monk | szerzetes |
indistinguishable | megkülönböztethetetlen |
appearances | külsőségek, külső megjelenés |
cardinal | bíboros |
to exert power | befolyást, hatalmat gyakorolni |
behind the scenes | a színfalak mögött |
mood | hangulat |
breed | kutyafajta |
to tax | adóztatni |
to monitor | ellenőrizni |
repurification | újra megtisztítás