Jöjjenek ismét a színek: egy csokorral való "ezüst" idióma.
1. the silver screen – the movies – mozi
2. to be born with a silver spoon in somebody’s mouth – born into wealth and privilege – gazdagnak születni
3. to hand something on a silver platter – provide with something valuable for nothing, or give an unearned reward to; also, make it easy for – tálcán kínálni valamit
4. to cross someone’s palm with silver – it is something like tipping – megkenni valakit (pénzzel)
5. Every cloud has a silver lining – you can derive some benefit from every bad thing that happens to you- Minden rosszban van valami jó, avagy a felhők mögött mindig kék az ég
6. silver – money – pénz
7. silver bullet or magic bullet – a specific, fail-safe solution to a problem – varázslatos megoldás, csodafegyver
8. silver-tongued – an expression used to describe a person who has a clever way with words to persuade someone to do what they want – aranyszájú, ékesszóló
9. silver surfer- an elderly person who uses the internet – idős ember, aki használja az Internetet
10. silver jubilee – it is the 25th anniversary of an important event such as a person becoming king or queen, or an organization being started – 25 éves évfordulója valaminek
11. silver wedding or silver wedding anniversary – it is the 25th anniversary of a married couple’s wedding – 25 éves házassági évforduló vagy „ezüstlakodalom”
12. silver medal – if you come second in a competition, especially a sports contest, you get this as a prize – ezüst érem
13. the silver – it refers to all the things in a house that are made of silver, especially the cutlery and dishes – az ezüst (evőeszközök, edények)
14. to sell the family silver – part with a valuable resource for immediate advantage – pillanatnyi előnyért megválni valami nagyon értékestől
15. ASilver Alert – it is a public notification system in the United States to broadcast information about missing persons, especially senior citizens with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or other mental disabilities in order to aid in their recovery – „Ezüst riasztás” – Amerikában, eltűnt személyek megtalálására
16. silver fir – a fir tree with foliage that appears silvery or bluish because of whitish lines on the undersides of the needles – ezüstfenyő
Match the idioms with the definitions.
1. the silver screen |
A.a specific, fail-safe solution to a problem |
2. to be born with a silver spoon in sy’s mouth |
B.an elderly person who uses the internet |
3. to hand sg on a silver platter |
C.born into wealth and privilege |
4. to cross someone’s palm with silver |
D.provide with something valuable for nothing, or give an unearned reward to; also, make it easy for |
5. Every cloud has a silver lining |
E.it is something like tipping |
6. silver |
F. an expression used to describe a person who has a clever way with words to persuade someone to do what they want |
7. silver bulletor magic bullet |
G.money |
8. silver surfer |
H. the movies |
9. silver-tongued |
I.it is the 25th anniversary of an important event such as a person becoming king or queen, or an organization being started |
10. silver jubilee |
J. it refers to all the things in a house that are made of silver, especially the cutlery and dishes |
11. silver wedding or silver wedding anniversary |
K. it is a public notification system in the United States to broadcast information about missing persons, especially senior citizens with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or other mental disabilities in order to aid in their recovery |
12. silver medal |
L. it is the 25th anniversary of a married couple’s wedding |
13. the silver |
M. a fir tree with foliage that appears silvery or bluish because of whitish lines on the undersides of the needles |
14. to sell the family silver |
N. if you come second in a competition, especially a sports contest, you get this as a prize |
15. ASilver Alert |
O. part with a valuable resource for immediate advantage |
16. silver fir |
P.you can derive some benefit from every bad thing that happens to you |
1. H.
2. C.
3. D.
4. E.
5. P.
6. G.
7. A.
8. B.
9. F.
10. I.
11. L.
12. N.
13. J.
14. O.
15. K.
16. M.
wealth |
gazdagság, jólét |
platter |
tányér |
unearned |
nem kiérdemelt |
tipping |
borravaló adása |
to derive |
származtatni |
bullet |
puskagolyó |
fail-safe |
biztosan működő |
tongue |
nyelv |
to persuade |
rábeszélni valakit valamire |
prize |
díj |
cutlery |
evőeszköz |
dementia |
demencia, elbutulás |
recovery |
megtalálás |
foliage |
lombozat |
needle |
tűlevél |