Head over heels in love – Love idioms


Szerelmes idiómák megismerkedéstől a szakításig. Hogy minden helyzetben tudd, mit kell mondani.

Do you know the various phrases and idioms that we use to describe romantic love? If love is on your mind, read on…

When you fall in love, you start to love someone romantically:

They met in the spring and fell madly in love.

If you start to love someone from the first time you see them, you may describe the experience as love at first sight:

Al and I met in a friend’s kitchen and it was love at first sight for both of us.

To describe the same experience of immediate, very strong, romantic love for someone, you may say that they sweep you off your feet:

The first time I met her, I was completely swept off my feet.

Meanwhile, although this phrase describes a slightly less intense feeling, if you take a shine to someone you have just met, you start to like them immediately:

I think Karl’s taken a bit of a shine to your sister.

An idiom that is used to describe great strength of feeling, rather than the start of that feeling is head over heels. If you describe yourself as head over heels (in love) with someone, you mean you are completely in love, with very strong feelings:

The actor is reportedly head over heels in love with his co-star.

In a relationship, if someone loves and admires their partner very much, it is sometimes said that they worship the ground that they walk on:

I’ve never known anything like it – he worships the ground she walks on.

Sadly, in the real world not all couples get to live happily ever after (= happy together for the rest of their lives). Love sometimes ends. If you break someone’s heart, you make them very sad, usually because you have stopped loving them:

She was crazy about Daniel and it broke her heart when he left her.

Sometimes, a person has strong feelings for someone who does not love them. For this sad situation, we use the phrase unrequited love:

James was very keen on a woman that he worked with but sadly, it was a case of unrequited love.

Meanwhile, someone who is said to carry a torch for a person, loves or admires them over a long period, even when the person does not realise this:

He’s been carrying a torch for Rebecca for years.

source: dictionaryblog.cambridge.org

Can you match the expression to its definition?

1. to be head over heels in love

a. to love especially when such feelings are not reciprocated

2. love at first sight

b. love not returned

3. unrequited love

c. to make someone very sad

4. to break someone’s heart

d. to be madly in love

5. to carry a torch for someone

e. an instantaneous attraction to someone



1. d.

2. e.

3. b.

4. c.

5. a.


to fall in love

szerelembe esni

love at first sight

szerelem első látásra


élmény, megtapasztalás



to sweep you off your feet

teljesen levesz a lábadról

to take a shine to sy

megtetszik, szimpatikus neki

to be head over heels in love

fülig szerelmesnek lenni



to admire


to worship the ground that they walk on

imádja még a lábuk nyomát is

to live happily ever after

boldogan éltek, amíg meg nem haltak

to break someone’s heart

összetörni valaki szívét

unrequited love

viszonzatlan szerelem

to be keen on

kedvelni, szeretni

to carry a torch for a person

reménytelenül szeretni, hűségesen kitartani, „ő a hűség szobra”

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