Babákkal és gyerekekkel foglalkozó szókinncsteszt.
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A ______ is a baby biscuit full of vitamins to keep your child healthy.
The first layer of clothing that a baby wears is called a _________.
When eating at a restaurant with a baby, you could ask for ________ to make feeding more comfortable for both of you.
My child had a _________ when I refused to buy him a new toy.
What is the difference between a “pram” and a “stroller”?
What is the difference between a “nanny” and a “babysitter”?
What is the difference between a “nursery” and a “crèche”?
When planning a trip with a child, it is a good idea to check first if the hotel or restaurant _______.
When a child is teething and acting upset, it may be that they are going through their ______.
What kind of supplies do you need for babies who can’t use the toilet on their own?