Pénzzel és pénüggyel kapcsolatos szókincs.
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It took us 30 years to pay off the ________ on our house.
The __________ of the average American family has risen thanks to the widespread use of credit cards rather than cash to make purchases.
Paying the balance on your card every month helps you get a good __________.
When he _______ on his payments, the bank took his car.
After decades of financial struggles, the company finally went __________.
In restaurants in New York City, it’s common to leave a 20% _________ for good service.
Most countries have laws establishing a minimum _________ for low-level jobs.
I _______ my friend $500. I borrowed the money last month for an emergency.
I’d like to buy a house, but I can’t _________ it on my teacher’s salary.
The company’s managers receive an ______________ bonus equal to 50% of their normal monthly salary.