New Year Passion Fizz – egy finom ital szilveszterre


Mit szólnátok egy könnyű, pezsgős finomsághoz szilveszterkor? Íme a recept!

Calories per glass: 134
Fat per glass: 0g

500ml freshly squeezed orange juice
500ml pineapple, mango and passion fruit smoothie or something similar
125ml peach schnapps
1 bottle sparkling wine, chilled
2 limes, for decoration

Mix the fruit juice, smoothie and peach schnapps with plenty of ice in a large container or jug. Strain into the glasses and top them up with sparkling wine. Add a slice of lime.

Note:Mix up the juices and schnapps a few hours before the party and keep it chilled in a jug in the fridge.

freshly squeezed– frissen facsart        
passion fruit -maracuja
smoothie– gyümölcsturmix
peach schnapps– barackpálinka
sparkling wine– habzóbor
lime– limette
jug– kancsó
to strain– leszűrni
to top up a drink– feltölteni egy italt

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