Érik az eper, az egyik legfinomabb gyümölcs - legalábbis szerintünk - amelyből remek édességeket is lehet készíteni, mint ez a mandulás-eper rolád!
calories per serving: 355
fat per serving: 27g
– 5 medium eggs, separated
– 100g caster sugar, plus extra for sprinkling
– 100g ground almonds
– pinch of salt
– 3 tablespoons good raspberry or strawberry jam
– 3 tablespoons icing sugar
– 300ml double cream
– 200g strawberries, chopped
– 3 tablespoons flaked almonds, toasted
– extra icing sugar/caster sugar, for dusting
– 30x23cm Swiss roll tin, lined with Bakewell paper
1) Set the oven to moderate Gas Mark 4 or 180C
2) Whisk the egg whites to soft-peakstage. Add 2 tablespoons of the sugar and whisk again until thick and glossy. Set aside.
3) Whisk the egg yolks with the rest of the sugar until they make a thick, pale ’mousse’ that holds a trail when you lift the whisk out.
4) Sift the ground almonds and salt into this mixture, then fold in a little of the egg whites, then the whole lot. Pour into the tin, spread evenly and bake for 12 minutes or until just cooked and shrinking away from the edges.
5) Put a clean tea-towel on the work surface, a piece of Bakewell paper on top and sprinkle with some caster sugar – a heaped teaspoon. Invert the roulade onto o the sugared paper. Peel off the lining carefully. Trim the edges of the roulade and place another piece of paper on top. Roll up the roulade with the paper inside. Leave to cool – overnight is fine.
6) To fill: Unroll the roulade – don’t worry if it cracks a bit. Spread the jam over. Sift the icing sugar into the cream and whisk it to soft peaks. Fold in the chopped strawberries and spread over the sponge, leaving a 2cm border.
7) Carefully roll up the roulade from the short end, using the paper to help. Don’t worry if it splits. Place on a serving plate. Sprinkle with a little more caster sugar, put the flaked almonds down the center of the roulade and dust with icing sugar or caster sugar.
caster sugar– nagyon finom kristálycukor
to sprinkle – szórni
ground – őrölt
pinch – csipetnyi
icing sugar – porcukor
to chop – aprítani, vágni, darabolni
flaked (almonds) – (mandula) pehely
toasted – pörkölt
to dust – hinteni
Swiss roll tin – piskóta rolád sütőforma
to line – kibélelni
Bakewell paper – sütőpapír
moderate – mérsékelt
to whisk – felverni (habot)
glossy – fényes
pale – halvány, világos
to hold a trail – nyomot húzni maga után
to lift – (fel)emelni
to fold in – belehajtani/keverni
to spread – el/szétoszlatni
evenly – egyenletesen
to shrink away – visszahúzódni
edge – szél, perem
heaped – púpos, púpozott
to peel off – lefejteni
to trim – levágni, lenyírni
to unroll – kitekerni
to crack – (meg)repedni
sponge – piskóta
border – szél, szegély
to split – repedni, hasadni