Napi 5 szó C1 – People 1 – szókincsfejlesztés, mini feladat

A mai napi mini szókincsünkben 5 érdekes szóval ismerkedhettek meg. Kommentben jelezzétek tippjeiteket, hogyan is mondanátok ezeket a szavakat magyarul.  
  1. city-slicker
    a person who lives in a city, and has no experience of or knowledge about living in the countryside
  2. frontiersman
    a person who lives on the border between cultivated land (= land used to grow crops) and wild land, especially in the past in the US
  3. overspill
    people who move out of a crowded city and into other towns or villages near the city
  4. snowbird
    a person who lives in the north in summer and somewhere warmer in winter
  5. squatter
    a person who lives in an empty building or area of land without the permission of the owner

Egészítsétek ki a következő mondatokat az előzőleg megtanult szavak egyikével.

1. The film portrays him as a heroic ­­­­­­­_______ of the Wild West.
2. You know our airport is much busier during winter
and spring when _______ move to warmer destinations and then come back.
3. A _______ often gains a culture shock when coming to the farm.
4. You shouldn’t leave your parents’ house without a lodger,
otherwise _______ will move in soon.
5. This lovely house is in the possession of an _______ from Budapest.

1. frontiersman;
2. snowbirds;
3. city slicker;
4. squatters;
5. overspill



cultivated land megművelt földterület
crops haszonnövények
permission engedély
owner tulajdonos
to portray ábrázolni
to gain a culture shock kulturális különbségek miatt
kialakuló sokkot kapni
lodger bérlő/albérlő
to be in the possession of valaki birtokában/
tulajdonában lenni

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